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What exercise did you do today?


#epicfail on my part red face

Billy - 09 August 2012 07:50 AM

Except I get scared running at night

This I can understand.

I do it at the gym on the treadmill during my lunch break. I don’t have time to fit it in otherwise.


I’m doing some weight lifting(not the 200kg ones though :D), some push ups and some crunches(I’m not sure this is right translation though) every night just to get me back in shape and I will go back to swimming in September getting my godly body back in shape LOL


Crunches is correct.

I played oztag tonight and did the city to surf on Sunday followed by carrying a cupboard up flights of stairs.


ahaha TJ you’re never gonna let oz forget that, are you! Seriously though, anyone who can be arsed doing the city to surf has my respect.

one game of soccer5s monday….2 games last night. SO MUCH FUN!


Hey if TJ can claim the cupboard hauling so can I!!!


Haha smile I still think it was probably as good as 20 mins lifting weights at the gym smile

I was sweating at the end of it.


Over the last 2 days i have;

-Cut 17 x 500mm squares out of a concrete slab with a heavy arse concrete saw
-Jack hammered out said concrete sections with a 20kg jack hammer
-dismantled a massive pergola roof and deck

I think i have done some solid exercise on the job this week so have laid off gym/running!

EDIT- I lie, i was going to jump on my dads concept 2 rower but the computer batteries died so need new ones.


Last night I did a heap of bicep curl dropsets, start with about 375 grams, do one curl, then next one is 350grams and so on to zero grams.  Repeat a lot.  Was a bit sore from that this morning though.  Tonight I went and trained arms properly at the gym along with my back stuff!


No plans for exercise today, after last week I need to put my feet up and drain all the lactic acid and other fluid that gather in my bad knee. I’m back at home so it will be easy to relax a little.

Wanted to post during the week to record the exercise I was doing each day but was to busy doing it or the internet was to slow.
My biggest day was Monday - I rode every lift in Perisher; 7.5hrs of riding, the only rest was waiting in lift lines or riding chairs that had foot rests (my knee requires me to use leg muscle to hold my knee in a none-painful position on others), no lunch break. Lifts alone total over 26km so we rode (I guess) more than 30km.
Physically it was easier than hiking to Kosci and back in winter, but still an exhausting pursuit.

Finally I can feel my abs feeling strong and tight under a layer of fuel (body fat-maybe 5cm), thighs and gluteus are in top condition - flexed, they are solid.


Same thing I did yesterday :D

And now I’m jealous, 7.5h of riding? One can only dream ^^


This week: ran 8k’s monday then went to the gym, tuesday gym, wednesday surf and 6km run, thursday work, friday surf and gym, saturday work…


Yesterday I was going to write how i walked down 34 flights of stairs (and a coupl eof others at the bottom - why are fires tairs such a rabbit warren at the bottom… up down, up down, around the corner….)

Then I thought i was being silly.

Today it hurt to get out of bed.

I thought maybe it was because I had just come off the back of 3 days skiing but everyone else is complaining as well LOL


I can still feel my sore tummy muscles a week later. It feels so good.


C25k - Week 2, Day 3

I’ve been slack lately.