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Whistler 2011 / 2012 - The Community Blog


Rider’s Blog: Day 56

It’s really awesome to have Dan back in Whistler. We went up Whistler this morning and headed up Peak. It was a beautiful morning with unlimited visibility. We rode Bagel Bowl which was fairly shredded but still fun and I got to show Dan West Bowl and other areas he hadn’t seen last season.

We cruised runs down to Red and Garb and even the village. We caught up with Michelle for a couple of runs (she was at work ‘supervising’). We also caught up with Tom Stott (winner of the last Short Film Contest and now Boardworld filmer) who is only in Whistler for two days. Today was his last day and he heads to Alaska soon for some heli riding, which I’m sure we will hear more about. It was great to be able to catch up with Tom. We bombed a few runs and stopped for a jug of beer in the village.

Dan and I kept riding till 4:00pm, when we met Michelle in the village at the end of the day. We sorted Dan out with lift passes for the rest of his trip and managed to extort eight complimentary beverage vouchers and $20 in food vouchers. Michelle was quite embarrassed by my attempts to get vouchers but you could tell she was really impressed. LOL

I took this photo a couple of days ago from our front door. I quite like it. smile

Finney and Dan

Dan, Tom, and I on Garb Chair

The Boss and I

Da Boys in the village


Yew was awesome finally being back in Whistler and going for a ride!  shred

As Jeremy mentioned we had a fun day cruising around Whistler. Was nice and sunny early on and the snow conditions are excellent. Felt a bit rusty and my legs gave way early on, but that’s to be expected after 6 months of no riding. Jeremy was not gonna be satisfied unless he broke me, and he definitely succeeded lol. Was great meeting Tom and catching up with Mike, who was working at Red chair.

15+ days of riding to come cool smirk


That Finney and Dan photo is quite funny! Its like he is a little kid with his ideal and Dan is like “i’m the man!” LOL


i like that first photo man very nice…


Tom has got ONE HOWLER of a GOGGLE TAN there!!!!!  LOL

Wednesday looks to be shapin up to be a good one for some POW!!!!!


looks like fun eh,  i have done somthing to my back yesterday so i am out for at least a few days. it was a struggle to go from bed to toilet to couch.. owwwchie


Let’s shred tomorrow Jeremy and Dan!


Sounds good, Skip!

Rider’s Blog: Day 57

The weather warmed up and the sun came out for most the day. Cruised a run with Dan and Finney while Finney was on a work break. Did some Roundhouse to village laps with Dan while we tested Dan’s new GoPro Hero 2. Hopefully there might be a little bit of decent footage. Just did some fun runs with side hits and rollers. The snow was nice and soft down the bottom so it was good fun.

We were going up the gondola for one last run and Dan realised he left his board on the rack at the bottom. I don’t know how we both didn’t notice him walking on without his snowboard. LOL


Bahhahaa!!!!! You two been choofin?????

Lookin forward to seein the footage off the new cam!!!!!


Ummm the footage didn’t turn out too well. Looks like the lens was fogged or something. Weird, that’s never happened to my GoPro.


I don’t know how I left my precious…  red face

Another fun day. So nice and warm and sunny. I’m absolutely shattered again. Legs are cactus.

Was a real shame how the footage was all foggy. I was using Jeremy’s short gopole, which I would put in my pocket when I was on the lift or gondola, so maybe the extreme changes in temp did it? I’ll try the headcam tomorrow and hopefully that will work better. Otherwise I’ll have to search for some of the anti fog inserts.


Definitely get some inserts!!!!!

It was probably all the hot air that was comin outta Jeremy!!!!!

If ya can’t buy them in the village, try askin for some silica gel packets off some of the retailers!!!!! The shops that sell shoes should have some lyin around!!!!! Also dry out the housing and camera body in front of an air con vent!!!!!


Oh yeah, and get some RainX to do the housing lens cover, as it works great in keepin wet snow/rain from ruinin ya footage too!!!!! Plus ya can use it on ya goggles as well!!!!! (Outer lens only)


Thanks for the tips Mizu shaka

Oh and I never replied to your txt msg because my phone has no reception over here rolleyes

I’ve emailed my phone provider to see what’s going on. But if it’s a no goer I will get a sim while I’m here. Finney said you did that. Was it a decent deal?


Yeah, got a $55 prepaid Nokia, came with $10 credit from Bell down the bottom of the village!!!!!

I would guess that just a sim would have to be cheaper?????

Don’t bother goin into Rogers, as they wanted $85 just for a sim card without credit, and their cheapest phone was about $80 on top of that!!!!!