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Life & Times Of A Lady Shredder In Whistler - The Blog!

Danthegraphicsman - 10 January 2015 01:16 PM

LUCKY. This time…..  shaka

Dan you’re a whore and I like it.  tumble


Chapter 9 - Attitudes & AWESOME NEW SHRED BUDS!!

So, h0z kinda got me thinking about some things I’ve recently been learning to overcome. Although snowboarding makes up a big part of what I do, it doesn’t necessarily define who I am.

And with that being said, I’m just generally over the ‘Debbie Downers’ of the world. I’m so motivated at the moment to continue surrounding myself with enthusiastic, yet chilled and easy going and FUN people! People who either rain on your parade by talking smack about you directly, or bring you down because they can never get stoked on anything? Well…“ain’t nobody got time fo’ dat”!

I was discussing this with a friend the other day, but generally I’m really over this seemingly new attitude (or at least it is one I’ve only recently been introduced to) people are having towards snowboarding. It’s like all of a sudden people feel it’s all serious bidness or some crap. They’re out there claiming and talking crap, but no one actually cares! No one gives two hoots about how good you are/say you are. People just care if you’re there to have a good time, enjoy being in the mountains and having the opportunity to do something that - let’s face it - only a small portion of the world gets to experience!

Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand the appeal of challenging yourself and being excited when you feel some progression and can tell your buds about it…but humility goes such a long way! I’m really energized by the goals I’ve set myself for the season - I’ve even posted about some of those already. And that being said, I can put my hand on my heart and say I’ve likely already landed several of those already. But could I do it again at request? Not likely, in all cases. So, to me I love (and yearn for) the LEARNING process. Breaking things down to basics and most of all? Not hating on, or putting pressure on myself if things don’t go perfect. Because, you know what? If I can’t yet do a cab3 on the ground, I sure as hell know I can spin a half cab and a back1. It’ll only be a matter of time until the whole thing comes together! Be happy that you can move, have both legs, mobility and coordination. BE HUMBLE AND GRATEFUL!

So, to end this part - spend your time with encouraging, motivating and down-right POSITIVE peeps out there! Be stoked for each other for JUST BEING OUT THERE!!! And most of all, who cares? Everyone is learning something. Everyone is stacking it somewhere. Just get out on the hill and enjoy the ride itself - if one thing isn’t working out? Move onto something else.

TL:DR Be stoked. Have fun. Do your own thing.

Moving onto the latter part of this blog and it fits in just nicely with the above!

In my previous chapter, I introduced my rad friend, Suze. Now, I’m a firm believer that rad people generally know and are friends with other equally rad people. With Suze, my suspicions were confirmed when she introduced me to Zoë (AKA Shredbettyzoe on Boardworld forums). Zoë and I were lucky enough to meet during the summer just gone, but had not had much opportunity to spend too much time together as I was living in Squamish and she was living in Whistler. Now that I’m in Whistler and now it is winter…well I suspect (and sorely hope!) that I’ll get to ride with Zoë very frequently throughout the rest of the season!

So, a couple of days before New Years eve, Zoë, her boyfriend Nic, Dan and I gathered together for a shred.

Like, THIS kind of glorious. Note: Oakley Float jacket wink

We spent the morning just shredding over on Blackcomb and I was completely in awe of Zoë‘s effortless style and shredability. Like, I’ve never seen someone so relaxed in carve mode and just a cool, skatey kinda style. Super motivating for me and without dweebing out too much here, she’s genuinely someone I am keen to emulate. In the wise words of Charles Caleb Colton, “Imitation is the sincerest [form] of flattery”.

I don’t have any footage of Zoë & I riding together yet, but it’ll be up here as soon as possible! Although, that being said, the next day Zoë and I were riding together, we were spotted carving and hooning down under Emerald chair by Andy (Grunge). He said he noticed us straight away! We would have heard his shouts of excitement, but I’m someone who listens to tunes (a later blog topic, perhaps?) whilst I ride.

So, I’ve been spending a few days riding with Zoë and she’s now my self-proclaimed blog photographer, or as she has dubbed - “Blographer”.

Here are some other fun pics!

Pic credit: Zoë

Pic credit: Zoë

Pic credit: Zoë

Pic credit: Andy

In my next update, I’ll talk more about gear, MORE friends and more riding. So much fun to be had! In 2 weeks time, I’m headed to Mt Baker and I’ll also have a Lake Tahoe trip to blog about too!

Keep the feedback coming and let me know if you want to hear about anything in particular!

Ciao for now, peeps. Shred on!


Oh you little gem <3

I am so thrilled to have met Lu, she is hands down one of the most fantastic femshredders I’ve had the pleasure of riding with. And I think we’re the wood to each others fire of stoke!! I’m excited for our season ahead of us, for the small crew of gals we’ve got going, but mostly about the crew of 2 when we get out there to putting in turns. IT’S SOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!

ps. Hi Dan. I like you too, you can hangout.

Really stoked about your cab progression! I cant wait to see that!!


Sooooo keen to come and shred with you guys, loving the blog Lu. I miss the snow soooo much, for now the surf will have to do

lulu_in_canada - 10 January 2015 02:04 PM

I’ll also have a Lake Tahoe trip to blog about too!

When are you going?

We are in Tahoe from the 28th Jan - 1st Feb!

ozgirl - 11 January 2015 12:24 PM
lulu_in_canada - 10 January 2015 02:04 PM

I’ll also have a Lake Tahoe trip to blog about too!

When are you going?

We are in Tahoe from the 28th Jan - 1st Feb!

I won’t be there until the 12th of Feb, unfortunately! There for a long weekend only grin

I’m not sure which resorts I’ll be riding at, I’m leaving that mostly up to my friend Suze. But, I do get some pass discounts with some of the Lake Tahoe resorts, through my Whistler Blackcomb season pass!

lulu_in_canada - 10 January 2015 02:04 PM

Chapter 9 - Attitudes & AWESOME NEW SHRED BUDS!!

I don’t have any footage of Zoë & I riding together yet, but it’ll be up here as soon as possible! Although, that being said, the next day Zoë and I were riding together, we were spotted carving and hooning down under Emerald chair by Andy (Grunge). He said he noticed us straight away! We would have heard his shouts of excitement, but I’m someone who listens to tunes (a later blog topic, perhaps?) whilst I ride.

Haha YEAH!!!! I saw you gais rippin’ it down emerald and it got me so stoked!!!!!!
I was like “YEEEEEAAAHHHH!!!! AIYAYAYA!!!!” (You guys might notice I don’t do the ‘yew’ LOL!!!)

And yer right! Sometimes I feel like, hmm… this is serious snowboarding time to learn how to double cork 360 etc, then the light bulb turns on and I think “WAIT!!! SMILE!!! IT’S SNOWBOARDING!!!!”



Hahah I love Andy!!!


^ likewise! I can’t wait to be back and shred with you gaiz!!! =D



I will be trying NOW bindings tomorrow and also Nike boots.

Updated gear review (including Malolo), coming tomorrow.



Awesome. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the bindings. Are you testing the IPO?


When/where you heading up Lu? The girl and I will be riding tomorrow.


She went on a girls shredding thing, you would have fit right in Dean LOL

I’m going to ride at some stage tomorrow. Rico (and Jez?) are coming up Friday and Lu organised to take the better part of friday off too. I reckon we go hike up to the Grey Zone!


Yeah, I’m down with that. I’ve never been there.


Hiking Grey Zone sounds fun!