New Balance: Data Roaming


Taking iPhone footage to the next level

Russell Houghten is unquestionably one of the finest skate filmers of the era, constantly pioneering progessive new filming methods time after time after time. On this occasion he and James Messina decided to film an entire New Balance tour video through Eastern Canada on an iPhone 6. No big HD rigs, fisheyes, or microphones — just an iPhone and two different attachable lenses. It's pretty mind blowing that this was filmed on a phone, considering not so long ago "phone footage" basically meant "footage that looks like it was filmed with a potato". Russell never disappoints. 

Featuring: PJ Ladd, Arto Saari, Jordan Taylor, Levi Brown, Tom Karangelov, Jack Curtin, Anthony Schultz and Marquise Henry.

Edit: Due to privacy settings, it looks like the video can no longer be played outside of Vimeo. Click here to watch the video in full. 

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