Converse x Grey: Pastel


A James Cruickshank masterpiece

A few things become very evident upon watching Pastel, the latest gem from James Cruickshank, Grey Skate Mag and Cons. Firstly, 4:3 HD is the best thing going and needs to be utilised far more often by filmers and companies around the world. The video footage looks like an HD VX1000 setup, which perfectly suits the unbelievable skateboarding on display from Bobby Dekeyzer and his European Cons counterparts. Which brings us to the second point: Bobby Dekeyzer is one of the best skateboarders on the planet. You probably already knew that, but this clip is further evidence. 10/10, watch it again and again. 

Featuring: Matlok Bennett-Jones, Felipe Bartolome, Remy Taveira, Bobby De Keyzer, Jerome Campbell, Harry Lintell and Jamie Platt. Filmed on location in Lisbon, Portugal. 

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