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going boarding for a week, how much gear will i need?

hey, ive already got a full set of gear eg jackets, pants gloves etc. but just wondering if i should double on stuff?
going to hotham, falls, thredbo and perisher.
any help would be sweet cheers


Hey vanners,

Provided you have decent jacket and pants, you shouldn’t have to double up on those. What gloves do you have? If they aren’t very waterproof I would invest in a good pair of Gore-tex gloves. It’s always good to have a few sets of first layer thermal tops and riding (non-cotton) socks.


You can wear outer layers (jacket, pants, helmet) for a week or more easily without washing. In fact, I hardly even wash my jacket throughout the season.

What you need to double up or triple up on is the base layers. Top and bottoms, at least 2 pairs for a week, 3 pairs better so you can rotate or wash. Single pair of gloves is ok if you got a decent heater to dry them out, but yeah, double up on gloves not a bad idea.


ive got a pretty descent pair of burton gloves with the built in wrist guards, yeah i was thinking of another pair of gloves and a few pairs of thermals,
cheers for the help guys