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Natural or Goofy?

Poll: Which way do you ride?
Total Votes: 33
I am really talented and ride either way flawlessly !!!!!!

In my family we have six snowboarders, three Goofy, three Natural.

Two of the ladies are Goofy and one of the blokes.

We are wondering if its about 50/50 for the rest of the boarding world.


natural seemed to be pretty smooth for me.. but recently (i do some martial arta as well)  i started changing my stance a little and southpole seemed to be workign just fine for me.. so thats gonana be liek the first things im gonan try out this season.. jsut head out and try and spend a weekend riding goofy


My brother skates goofy but rides snowboard natural, heaps weird


I’m blessed with an almost ambidextrous nature.

The things that people have taught me, I tend to do right handed (writing, swinging a bat, skateboarding)
but the things I have taught myself I tend to do left handed (kick a ball or throw something).
So doing things left handed arent as difficult for me, but it’s not like I have equal use of each side.

A few years back I know some of my turns switch were more controlled than in my regular stance.

I tend to talk about the stances as “right foot forward” and “left foot forward”
rather than the terms regular and goofy - especially when talking with newbies.


goofy at the moment but keen to work on my natural stance riding over the season


Natural here, but I love to ride switch.


Born Goofy, can ride Switch but heel edge always been a bit sloppy


Natural for me also….I rarely ride switch nowadays - bit hard witha Burton Fish or Malolo under me smile


I’m natural but looking forward to riding switch heaps more this season


13 to 2 natural. You wouldn’t think so with all the goofy riders I sit with on chairlifts. I swear more of my shredding buddies ride goofy.

Moving this thread to Rider Progression…


Thats why I started the Poll, we thought there was many more Goofy riders than Natural. I am really surprised at the findings.


Goofy all the way!
I snowboard and skateboard goofy but for some reason i surf regular….

Emma - 25 June 2010 06:30 AM

Goofy all the way!
I snowboard and skateboard goofy but for some reason i surf regular….

That’s odd. I wonder if it is because of the way it comes more naturally to push off the ground. rather than the direction you’re heading when going down the hill.

snowslider - 25 June 2010 02:02 PM
Emma - 25 June 2010 06:30 AM

Goofy all the way!
I snowboard and skateboard goofy but for some reason i surf regular….

That’s odd. I wonder if it is because of the way it comes more naturally to push off the ground. rather than the direction you’re heading when going down the hill.

Yeah i thought it was weird too. i kept getting tangled up by my leg rope and my friend pointed out that i was putting the wrong foot forward. I probably wouldn’t have even noticed and just thought i was just not particularly good at surfing. raspberry

xlugeladx - 18 June 2010 03:44 PM

My brother skates goofy but rides snowboard natural, heaps weird

Yep thats exactly the same as me.

i skate and push goofy (dont push mongo) and snowboard down the hill natural. but then when on the lift cue ill push goofy…. :D So that means i have my footpad at the front of the board cos i turn it round for goofy lol. umm and i can ride down the hill now goofy pretty well, cos of skating goofy.. so i chose the 3rd option hahaaa


Natural for me but can ride switch as well lovin it….