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The best thing you have seen on the internet today?


He looks seriously double jointed in the arms!!! It is also almost like he has a joint between his wrist and elbow the way he moves!!!


haha I wish! I’m not trying to imply I had anything to do with his success - far from it. It just makes me happy to see my ex-students be great people with the self-belief and work ethic to pursue their passions.
Another girl I used to teach & played touch footy with a few years later, has made it to the top 24 (so far) of the new series of Masterchef. She’s applied a few times before and has her own food blog with what she’s been making lately and how its gone etc. and it just makes me so stoked to see her giving it a red hot crack! Go Kylie! haha


It def is a great thing for a teacher to see!

The girl last week in the fish challenge who set the paper towel alight used to work here. We knew she didn’t get too far as she is currently in New York!

Whats her blog Cords?


I think its actually been taken down since she’s on the show but I know she had it going for a good while at least - I hadn’t looked at it anytime lately. She’s shut down her facebook for now as well. Not sure if she was made to or not but I can see why they might want people to do that.


Ah yeah prob was asked too - or suggested too so hatters can’t attack.

Wasn’t it Hayden who revelled an elimination too early??



deanobruce - 14 May 2012 06:31 AM

that guy’s totally ready if any snow ninjas attack.




hahaha Shredder is the best! LOL

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 14 May 2012 09:24 AM

hahaha Shredder is the best! LOL

Thank you sir, was waiting for an actual ‘Shredder’ comment.. now where do I get me that costume!!!

ozgirl - 14 May 2012 09:39 AM

try here

Would need more help than that, all I saw were shoes and anime. Hello men and shopping have never mixed…

snowdragon - 14 May 2012 09:32 AM
K2_SnatchCrewSader - 14 May 2012 09:24 AM

hahaha Shredder is the best! LOL

Thank you sir, was waiting for an actual ‘Shredder’ comment.. now where do I get me that costume!!!

I’d be very disapointed if people didnt get teh Shredder joke of the photo/rider

rider26 - 14 May 2012 02:28 AM

That was amazing. I got goosebumps watching it. Nature is truely beautiful!