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What snowboard do you WANT this season?

snowslider - 16 June 2009 12:21 PM
rider26 - 16 June 2009 06:35 AM

snowslider, regarding your question about YES, direct from the YES Rep…

They are made in the Rolle Factory, Switzerland.  Henry Nidecker owns this factory, it’s the oldest factory in Europe.

I can’t wait to ride one of these.

Cool thanks, I enjoy knowing stuff like this.

As for the Burton Love, I’m quite surprised they did that.

I thought it was only staff that couldn’t use it at work. I thought they were still able to ride it on their days off. I had no idea that all the shops stopped selling them


People could ride them on their days off, but no shops were allowed to sell them.


a couple of weeks back at the ESS rail jam, we took our friends kids along to see the action. one of them wanted to go in and see the boards and gear…well upstairs they have the love boards in a gallery…behind glass kind of thing, needless to say they got up there and raced back down to tell me and my wife they had to show us something…..needless to say they kept asking why you would want a lady on your snowboard? and why did they do it etc etc…it was pretty funny….until one fell out of the casing!
personally i think they look pretty stupid, and dont say a lot for the choices of some of the designers at the big B


Everybody wants a Ride DH, if your asking yourself why???
ask a friend that has one, or become the friend that has one, whos passing the hype on.
at least take it for a demo, or even the DH2, slight reverse cam, light weight poppy top sheet and kills anything you wanna ride.
RIDE, RIDE snowboards.


My young cousin got a dh last year, never got the chance to ride it as he didnt make it down with us! (Dropped too much coin on new gear) but my wife got a fever and i rode that…. Sweet buttery deck, But way too short for me. Felt a little slow, but def great for park funtimes.


I am absolutly dying to get on a FYVE park blank serious POP!


Thanks to everone I’m keen to demo a Uninc


Has anyone seen the edges on some of those YES boards?
They have their own version of Magnetraction where the edges steps in and out. I dont know if its on every board or not.
It doesnt curve in and out like on the Lib Techs, it actually steps in and out.
I know JP Solberg, Romain, DCP and the guys ride them so they must be ok, but it looks hell scary if your hitting rails.
Like you would just hook up one one of those hard edges and go ass over tit.


This is from the YES board reviews page (products will be in the webiste soon). I will be testing a few of them soon.

RDM tweaked the 156.5 to match his specific requirements….. he added ULTIGRIP edge profiling for added edge grip, and it’s asymmetrical shape (tighter sidecut on the heel edge).

antt321 - 30 June 2009 04:15 AM

Thanks to everone I’m keen to demo a Uninc

2009 is the last year for the Uninc, 3/4 of the Uninc team are no longer with Burton. The glowing topsheep glows so bright. When I was at the Burton product testing last season I had one of the Unincs in my room. It was so bright I had to put it under my bed at night.


K2 Va Va Voom.
Brought it a couple of weeks ago. :D

EvanL - 02 July 2009 06:01 AM

Has anyone seen the edges on some of those YES boards?
They have their own version of Magnetraction where the edges steps in and out. I dont know if its on every board or not.
It doesnt curve in and out like on the Lib Techs, it actually steps in and out.
I know JP Solberg, Romain, DCP and the guys ride them so they must be ok, but it looks hell scary if your hitting rails.
Like you would just hook up one one of those hard edges and go ass over tit.

So instead of waves, it’s like corners?
Sounds sharp and dangerous and not good.
Like each corner would catch the snow.
I’m looking forward to seeing this.
Still the dumbest company name, I think.


Lib Tech Jamie Lynn pro model. I know this is bad but i absolutely love the graphic and it suppose to ride good but i missed the demo days for it. I did get this years nitro team though.


Rode the Lib Tec banana last year and loved it.  Definitly on the wish list.