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What exercise did you do today?


I’m hurting today… Bikram yoga, swimming, and a game of tennis yesterday.

I might jump in the pool for a bit today. Body is sore.

rider26 - 27 June 2014 02:24 PM

I’m hurting today… Bikram yoga, swimming, and a game of tennis yesterday.

I might jump in the pool for a bit today. Body is sore.

Do you even lift bro?


I force any friends with days off to play tennis or round up some basketball teams..
I have some finals of netball coming up and a game tonight yew..


I finished the 30 day ab challenge and have now jumped straight into another 30 day challenge.

Back to the gym tonight after skipping sunday to go to the snow! Did a chest and core session which I know is going to hurt tomorrow!


Just got back from the gym. Horrible today, absolutely shattered.

5x3 push press @ 50kg
3 rounds of 3 weighted pull ups 4 strict pull ups 5 kipped pull ups

5 rounds
400m row
15 thrusters 40Kg - Did it in 20:33


Some legs, arms and back today:

Body weight squats/lunges/bridges. Lat pull down, seated row, tricep extension, side lateral raise, overhead dumbbell press and hammer curls.


Just got back from my weekly ballet class… it’s about the only exercise I’m doing lately apart from wrestling an angle grinder or rubbing sandpaper while working on my car.

So grinding, rubbing and ballet. grin


Completely smashed my core last night, why oh why did I do that before the shred!!!


2nd last day of winter and a water temp of 11 degrees seems like a great time to start paddling again for the season.

Planned to do 2 - 3km and then call it. Ended up doing 5km. Going to be sore tomorrow.


After not exercising since the shred I got back into it today with an hour of kickboxing this morning and then went and did the 1000 steps in the Dandenongs this afternoon. Get the feeling I’m going to be sore tomorrow!


500m vertical and 3 runs of earning my turns on Saturday!


Did my third Isling Aerial Yoga class today, jeebus its hard work doing some of those poses, but I completed all but 2 grin


I gave up my gym membership and bought some basic equipment for my garage to set up a little home gym circuit. I started today by doing this little work out.

Thanks to surfer magazine for the article. Its effective and uses all your own body weight. Great for keeping fitness levels up!

I’ve also included a 15min pre stretch/basic yoga warm up before engaging in these exercises.

Do this circuit 4 times over.

100 jump ropes

100 jumping jacks

20 pushups

30 situps

15 box jumps

10 burpies

400m run


1hour surf session and a 8km run!! Stoked!!


Smashed it today… 15min of yoga/stretching, 50 push ups, 90 sit-ups, 25 pull ups, 5 min of skipping and an 8km run!! Frothing! smile