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Heli Boarding NZ pros & cons


I didn’t really have any issues with my Heli boarding trip in NZ, I actually loved it and will be trying to talk myself out of doing it again in the next couple of weeks when I get there.  Yes it is expensive but it was awesome, the only way it could be better is if I had millions and didn’t care about the expense, I would do it everyday, hell I would even buy my own chopper ha ha!


re-birthing an old one here but I may possibly be popping my heliboarding virginity in NZ this year… I just wanna know how does it all work with ability levels etc? Do they pick runs to suit ones ability?


Yeah they do, to be honest I would have preferred some more steeps but the mate I went with was a little concerned about getting in to deep for his skill level.  The thing was that even the really good skiers were taking similar lines to us as it was one of the few areas that was unlikely to avalanche that day.  Even so before one of the last runs we did see the tracks of our 3-4th run were buried in an avalanche, not big but would have scared you.  Your at the the mercy of what the guides consider safe unless you book the heli for yourself with no guide but unless your super experienced that’s probably not a good idea.

I would probably talk yourself up a little bit, honestly if there’s powder you want it steep so you can just carve the whole way down.


Ash - you fill in a suvery thing what you register and then they group you from there.

When we did it we had a group of 8 of us and hired the help for the day that way we got more runs (like 8 or 9 each) and they took us to an area they don’t normally head to too often. Snow wasn’t amazing but it was still a great experience.


Go to HeliPark. Worth the drive!


sweet thanks for the tips guys :D


Where are you planning on going heliboarding AshStix? My flatmate works at a shop in Wanaka that has a company doing heli trips out of it, jealous as of her as she gets some good deals.


Heliboarding in New Zealand is awesome!! Here at Mint Tours we have plenty of affordable Heliboard options. Starting at $200. Please don’t hesitate to give us a buzz in the office. We can give you all the info you will need. (03) 9876 9315 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)



Shit, i was going to pay $900 when i was going to do it…


Man when i saw you had posted in this thread my first thought was

“Don’t tell me that unemployed punk gets to go Heliboarding!”


Man when i saw you had posted in this thread my first thought was

“Don’t tell me that unemployed punk gets to go Heliboarding!”


Hahahaha who you calling a punk!



Whats with the network errors lately?? Is it me or BW?

SamNZ - 31 May 2012 02:09 PM

Where are you planning on going heliboarding AshStix? My flatmate works at a shop in Wanaka that has a company doing heli trips out of it, jealous as of her as she gets some good deals.

I’m not going anymore…

Jarred - 21 June 2012 12:44 AM

Heliboarding in New Zealand is awesome!! Here at Mint Tours we have plenty of affordable Heliboard options. Starting at $200. Please don’t hesitate to give us a buzz in the office. We can give you all the info you will need. (03) 9876 9315 .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

I was actually going to book in with you guys, I heard about an all girl progression camp called mint chicks or something. But I’ll be in perisher for those dates skibumming… also I wont have enough funds by the end of this :S. But next year I’d be keen as to give it a go. Especially a progression camp! I havent done anything like that before and have always been keen to try it out.
