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East Coast USA


Has anyone ever boarded on the US East Coast? We were thinking of going for a slide while we are in New York but have no idea where to go!

Any suggestions?!?


Never been there, but I heard Jay Peak is good with lots of trees. No idea where it is though lol.


Jay Peak is in Vermont, close to the Canadian border. If you’re in the NYC area, then you’re better off with the southern / mid-VT mountains, e.g. Killington.

Stowe is the home resort of Jake Burton, you can also check out the Burton Store and headquarters in Burlington while you’re at it. Closer to NYC are the local hills like Mountain Creek, Hunter Mt., and the resorts in the Poconos (Pennsylvania), they’re about 1.5-2 hours driving from the city.

Despite now being mostly located on the US east coast, I still head west to CO, UT, NM, or CA to go riding. I don’t see particularly good value in the east coast resorts, conditions can be good but it tends to be icy, much smaller areas, and generally crowded.


Yea, I’d give it a miss- like Worldtripper said, conditions are generally sketch at best.  There is a good spot near where i grew up in upstate NY (7-8 hours from the big apple) but is notorious for hard pack and ice.  If you check Vermont i’d aim for Killington.


Is there anywhere on the eastern side of the states that has anything in the summer? Hopefully heading to DC to visit a friend next northern summer. Wondered if there was anything within reach from there? Otherwise I wanna go to oregon…which isn’t really on the way, but i wanna go there anyway. haha


There is a Six Flags Amusement park- apparently have some pretty gnarly roller coasters shaka


Thanks guys we are gonna give Mount Stratton in Vermont a go. $80 for lift ticket and return transport from NYC shaka