The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Sticker Contest - Big Undie and Skullcandy prize pack!


The Boardworld stickers are the best quality you can buy, printed on high quality vinyl. They cost more but they won’t damage anything. Also UV proof, waterproof etc…

I have a few stickers on my car and I know L.B. does too.

Thanks for placing the sticker on your car golfpunklegend, we appreciate it.


ahh okaii sweeet good to know i can stick it on my lux lolz

rider26 - 16 July 2009 11:19 AM

The contest is only for the Boardworld stickers.  get creative! cool smile

Awww… i thought the last one was heaps funny. anyways, the other stickers you sent me were really great. especially the burton ones.
The boardworld stickers are really high quality. Did you have to pay much to get them made?


Short answer, yes. It still hurts. wink

nyteskye - 16 July 2009 11:32 AM

sorii to hijack thread.. but.. would anyone put a boardworld sticker on their car? like a real car sticker? maybe you could advertise by making a sticker friendly for the car?

Any sticker is car friendly.
A sticker can always go on glass.
The only problem with cheap stickers are that they are made of paper and wont last on a car, or any other place outdoors… but you can rest assured that Jeremy has produced a quality sticker!
I dont think he’d have it any other way.


Speaking of hijacking, since im on the train a lot, i thought i’d hijack their stickers.



Thats awesome, I think you need to work on your focus though.


Im 17 so all i got is a phone camera. a real dodgy 2 megapixel one :(


Thredbo Ticket window - it lasted 2 days, which I thought wasn’t bad.

spaz - 18 July 2009 02:33 AM

Thredbo Ticket window - it lasted 2 days, which I thought wasn’t bad.

Good spot, I think 2 days was worth it!


Boardworld - now at your public crappers

I think that’d stay there for a while. Highly doubt anyone would be peeling off a sticker hanging above a public toilet bowl.


Nice work golfpunk!

that’s the style of sticking that I like to do, myself.
Almost discreet, but then again it’s right in your face!
Yet some may not even notice it.

It is a perfect in-between.


i have found out the little stickers are hard to get photos of when you put them places… but any way there is one in the broadway shopping centre in sydney… cant get a good photo but


ok just to let you know the perisher ski patrol do not like people reaching out with their friends ski pole and sticking boardworld stickers high up on chairlift poles halfwy up mount perisher. they frown a lot and talk about revoking passes lol. cringe.  its half stuck, I was too scared to do any more adjusting today, will finish sticking it down tomorrow and I’ll get a photo of it if survives tonights forcasted blizzard (and i still have a pass.) smile


so thats how you do it….
i always wondered how people managed to reach so far out to put stickers onto the towers