The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


2009 SoHe Photography Contest

MMM nelson, that style is awesome-ly captured. absolute beauty


Mt Hutt

Mt Hutt


hey alper not saying your not allowed to put post up some non hdr photos for once man you join the comp in the like last week and thats all you have shown us. dont make me post my hdr images tiger


28 howling death stairs


chris de campo
style wars
falls creek


Nelson, what do you mean by HDR? Obviously it has a reference to post production.

BTW, ‘Slush’ is a very cool shot. Nice alper.


Wowowowowow the competition heats up! loving the shots guys! :D


I think this gets said or implied every week, but it will be really hard to pick a favorite again.


hdr is like high dynamic range you get programs like photomatix and photoshop can do it and it makes like 10 different copies of the same photo at different exposure values like ranging from really dark to really light and blends them into the on photo thats why the shots look so surreal and correctly exposed. i dont really like editing stuff too much thats why i made that mental photoshoped pictures just for fun


I kinda agree that it should be the best “photography” contest, rather than the best “Photo-editing” contest.

But nonetheless, the pics do look awesome..
Great eye-candy


lol, where did you get such a big mars bar?!?!?!?!

Living Room

Strobist information:
1/4 power back left
1/2 power front right wide
mini maglight

Yes, I suck at drawing but hurray again for siblings as models.


I only heard about high dynamic range last week. Didn’t remember what it was called, not used it yet.

All digital camera’s ‘Photo Edit’ automatically.
I like shooting in RAW then processing them myself.
RAW has no digital processing and takes more talent as a photographer as you don’t just turn a knob and press a button, it takes longer but gets better results, I just manually select what the camera does automatically. It doesn’t fix a bad photo but finds the potential of a good shot.

Editing is part of photography these days but (IMO) shouldn’t be obvious in the end result.


Sickkk as shot tony. The name works sooo well with the picture. Im loving this thread :D


to create a good HDR pic, you first have to take a good pic itself, otherwise it won’t work. anyway, here are 2 non HDR pics.

Mt Hutt

Mt Hutt

alper - 19 September 2009 05:33 PM

to create a good HDR pic, you first have to take a good pic itself, otherwise it won’t work. anyway, here are 2 non HDR pics.

I’ve got no idea what HDR pics are but these shots are UNREAL!