The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


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Thought you guys might get a laugh out of this…..

They say a snowboarder can turn nearly anything into a feature! Take that you dirty skiier!!


WOAHHH not as much a laugh but im thoroughly impressed smile


I’m laughing, but I believe it was staged.


Yeah its staged, they are both instructors. It was part of the night show they do up here. Wish i had better light to shoot it but hey it gives me a giggle every time i look at it.


hahahaha, take that dirty skier indeed. smile  Night show… sounds like a theme park.  Where are they doing this?


Every Thursday night during peak season they put on a show on the summit. People coming down in formation, boarders popping air off the race-line and snow bikes and tubes etc. Then to top it all off they have fireworks. The punter love it.


Sounds like a load of fun man!


It does sound fun. a good way to market for the instructors and the high skill levels.


more info…..

Night Show


I did a photo shoot with a dance last week and finished a few of the shots.  Let me know what you think.



Wow, those are amazing shots Brad. Great work!


Good stuff Brad.
You got a career ahead of you for sure.


Those photos are just amazingly artistic. Smashing shots man.


brad that first shot is amazing, love the colour and the position of the dancer. so sharp and vibrant in contrast to the dank brick work around it.


Wow those are some amazing photos