The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


The new forums: Bugs and feedback

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 15 April 2013 11:03 AM

Activate the links above the banner, i.e BW, twitter, youtube, vimeo etc

That will be fixed shortly.

rider26 - 16 April 2013 03:26 PM

I thought we would have it that size. Lucky you told me! teacherboy

Haha wink

p.s. I like it.

Well, after you havin so much trouble seein/understandin some of my examples/ideas, I thought I’d better try and be as clear and concise as a Pre-School Teacher would be on Finger Painting Day!!!!!  smirk


So it’s a day of painting fingers. Can it be a picture of anyone’s finger?


Don’t confuse him anymore than he already is!!!!!


The sizing is up the shit on my iPad now.

I have to make it bigger each time I open a new page, it presents so small on the screen I can’t read anything.


Hmmmm I posted in here that I agreed with Azz. Things have gone weird with the sizing on the tablet.

I also commented that Fast reply worked now. But it seems it didn’t actually post… Will have to try again tonight.

Azz - 17 April 2013 07:03 AM

The sizing is up the shit on my iPad now.

I have to make it bigger each time I open a new page, it presents so small on the screen I can’t read anything.

Yeah, so small on the phone!!!!!

It loads the Desktop Version instead of the Portable One, so it still has the white boarders down the sides!!!!!!

Plus I think that due to the avatars takin up more space, it makes the Text Windows too small!!!!!


We are aware of it. Tried to fix the banner on the right and it messed with the layout. Will have to come up with another solution. Thanks guys.


Just unsuccessfully tried to post in cords blog!!!!!!

Got a “JavaScript Security” message!!!!! ( or somethin of that order ) Will post screenshot later!!!!!


yeah I got that message a few times in my postings….but I just pressed the back button in the browser and re-submitted and it worked somehow?


I got that as well - posted it in the other thread.

Also Cords older post pics are still not visable.

Just something to note.


Guys, which browser were you getting those JavaScript problems with? Computer or phone? Was it just fast reply or post reply? Sorry, we are still working out a lot of things with the new system. Takes a bit of time to get everything right.

cords’s thread is now fixed. All the images are working. Video will be working soon too.


Fast reply on my blackberry for me


Can you please check to see if you get the same problem with POST REPLY?


Yep same thing for post reply :-(

Sorry can’t get screen shot but if it helps it is the exact same screen that used to come up when you were using search - you know “Please wait will we take you to your results”

Right down to the page design.

The error msg read…