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Durable Shoes?


What are your opinions on shoes?

So far I’ve ridden quite a few shoes ( Vans, Circas, Lakais, Emerica(Jinx), Etc )

What are some durable shoes because I’m currently riding Vans and they are kinda mehh on durability.
-Emericas…. Oh my goodness. They lasted 1 MONTH. I could slide my foot out the front. It was horrible. Never riding
Emericas again. Their durability was just horrible. Maybe it was just my pair idk.

Basically, what are some durable shoes? I like vans but they’re very easy to tear through. Not much of a NIKE fan,
and I haven’t worn Circas and Lakais in a while.

What are your opinions? Maybe post a picture of shoes you like?


I don’t like Nikes but Janoski is the best shoepair what have been made! I recommend!


I chose FALLENs, Mine look like day 1 in vans and I’ve had them for months


When it comes to shoes I find a one piece toe cap is the best for durability. Some of the DC last really cost a little bit but are quite good in that way. Personally I skate a lot of Fallens just cause they always seem to last me the best. Currently skating in the Pawns. Next will probably be the 76.


I’ve been told Janoskis are pretty good but idk if I’ll try them. Fallen’s on the other hand I’ll try.

Apparently Fallens have no durability so thats why I haven’t tried them yet but I might.

I skate alot of flat and bring flat into tranny and rails so I tear through shoes pretty quickly.

Thanks for your help (:


Have a read of “skate shoes what to look for” up near the top of the topics with a sticky note.

When it comes to shoes though, you need to take into account everyones feet are different shapes so some will die a lot quicker. Also in a range some of the shoes are more basic and designed for chillin/cruising. I find anything with less material stitched together is better. One piece toe caps are awesome and also a cup sole is great.


My Fallens didn’t last me long at all..


would love a pair of emericca’s