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What are your goals this season?


Caboose, are you regular or goofy?

Well done on making yourself ride switch; an excellent investment of your time.


Regular/natural stance

yeah i’ve been trying to master it over then last few seasons, but never have the time to spend on it when the season is good and everyone is down there

apart from heading down to warm up the legs, this was one of the main parts of my riding i needed to work on


I’m regular but my right leg is my stronger leg. I find that more often than not it’s preferable for your dominant leg to be the back foot, although I have taught many riders who were the opposite (girlfriend and sister included). You might have an advantage riding switch in powder, as it will be easier putting weight on your back (stronger) leg. I ride a lot of switch but the only time I don’t feel super strong riding switch is in powder.

Concentrate on riding switch with correct technique and be patient with your turns. Don’t rush and try to relax as your board points downhill. As you improve, let the board run directly downhill (between turns) for longer. Towards the end of runs or in mellow areas, let the board run straight for as long as you can. Keep riding switch every day and you will be amazed at how quickly you will progress; not only with switch riding but your riding in general will improve significantly. You will also find you will be able to ride for longer as your body can now work both sides of your body before fatiguing.

rider26 - 21 June 2010 12:46 AM

You might have an advantage riding switch in powder,

yeah i made a similar comment to my mate on the chair lift, i’ll have to try it when/if i get a chance to ride some fresh


Goals for this season, hmmm.  At the end of last season I was getting pretty competent at riding switch and had all the various forms of 180’s down both ways except on backside either switch or normal I have a tendency to revert unless going straight down hill.  Want to fix that up and get better at back1’s both ways.  First day back at Buller got over excited and a little frustrated that I wasn’t exactly where I had left off and tried to force things.  Not a good idea and ended up with a black eye and sprained shoulder after trying to force a cab 1 from a less than advantageous lead up.

Was funny after that I took things real easy and it started to slot into place, rode most of the rest of the day switch, mate I was with commented that now it’s hard to tell which is actually my normal stance which is a good sign.  As I was taking it easy in the afternoon I started mucking around with manuals and was suprised to find I could do them switch as well as natural.  Sorta concentrated on basic stuff, trying to do straight airs better switch which I’m still a little mongo at, for some reason I find it easier to do a 180 switch than going straight.

Goal for the end of the season is to get front and back 3’s completely dialled, grabs would be nice and switch 3’s would be a bonus!  I also want to be as comfortable at speed switch as I am natural, when I’m at that stage I think my riding will really take off.  Still loving my skate banana, that board has really helped out with the switch stuff.

nthnbeachesguy - 21 June 2010 01:30 AM

except on backside either switch or normal I have a tendency to revert unless going straight down hill.

Concentrate on landing on your toe edge for backside and switch backside 180s. Still make sure you get the board around a full 180 degrees but land slightly on your toe edge. This will stop you from continuing the rotation. Spot the landing under your feet, land slightly on your toes, and you will ride away cleanly.


I see what your saying and it makes sense, usually if I’m trying a back spin I will do it off my toe edge as I carve across a run.  Meaning that if i try to land on my toe edge it will be the downhill edge, makes it a little weird to get your head around or as I mentioned before need to be pointing downhill for it to work better.  Will make a concious effort to think about it more and see what happens.


Me goal is to land a clean backy,thinkin of hittin up the bag jump, like too see how i will go but need some pointers to let me know what im doin wrong?
or a mad 540 grab can’t wait to hit it up stayin at thredbo for 7 nites so should go close to gettin it done i hope…...

Warren Chapstick - 14 July 2010 10:53 AM

Me goal is to land a clean backy,thinkin of hittin up the bag jump, like too see how i will go but need some pointers to let me know what im doin wrong?
or a mad 540 grab can’t wait to hit it up stayin at thredbo for 7 nites so should go close to gettin it done i hope…...

I thought you’d be into Rocket Airs and Pencil spins and a bit of PsychoX .........


your close but i was thinking more along the lines of Moonpies and Penny Whistles, i just love having the wind in my hair…..........


my cousins can do perfect back flips but struggle sometimes to just hold an edge. I’d like to try it on the bag jump too…without fear of being broken off

nthnbeachesguy - 21 June 2010 02:03 AM

I see what your saying and it makes sense, usually if I’m trying a back spin I will do it off my toe edge as I carve across a run.  Meaning that if i try to land on my toe edge it will be the downhill edge, makes it a little weird to get your head around or as I mentioned before need to be pointing downhill for it to work better.  Will make a concious effort to think about it more and see what happens.

have you checked out the snowboard addiction program? it’s worth every penny i spent on it! it will sort everything out for you as regards technique for spins and setting up perfectly everytime. there should be some samples on BW somewhere…check them out.


Hey there world tripper, you aren’t that old so go get in better health and keep shredding what ever you want! Feel good…..!

My goal for this season is to mount many podiums in the boarder cross curcit in quest of reaching national team within two years.


this kinda belongs in the stoke thread, but

came across a few boxes in Leichhardt park yesterday

all had to be ollie onto, buy a couple of inches

never ollied onto boxes before as i’m not that much of a box rider, but due to lack of terrain gave it a crack

ollied onto all boxes and stomped em - not super fast and only a little tweak of a board slide action

i happy with the progress!!

Banger - 18 July 2010 12:56 AM
nthnbeachesguy - 21 June 2010 02:03 AM

I see what your saying and it makes sense, usually if I’m trying a back spin I will do it off my toe edge as I carve across a run.  Meaning that if i try to land on my toe edge it will be the downhill edge, makes it a little weird to get your head around or as I mentioned before need to be pointing downhill for it to work better.  Will make a concious effort to think about it more and see what happens.

have you checked out the snowboard addiction program? it’s worth every penny i spent on it! it will sort everything out for you as regards technique for spins and setting up perfectly everytime. there should be some samples on BW somewhere…check them out.

Got the whole thing and regularly check it out, I think the thing for me with backside is I probably prewind too early and that stumps me sometimes, will be trying to hit up the NSW resorts at least one more time before I head over to NZ in Sept.