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Help me fitness peeps, im becoming a fat C…........


Trent, pick your missus up, put her against the wall and have sex once a day in this position for as long as you can, job done.  I don’t think I really need to explain the cross training benefits of this one.


Haha - Love it!!


That a boy Northern. Upstairs for thinkin…down stairs for dancing…round the front for romancin!

But a great one for people with small time frames or easily bored with exercise you can’t go past this. Usually 12 minutes, you’ll never sweat more in your life, great all body and core and they put a new work out up daily (plus you boys will get to watch her massive cans jiggle about most days). Best part is its free. They will also show easy modifications for when starting out etc.

You can also download an app that puts it in an easier format for your phone.

trentradpants - 11 July 2012 06:27 AM

So what id love is to get some ideas from you guys as to a fitness routine i can do at home that will take about 30-45 minuts and will help with the waist line and also help pick up my fitness levels. I have an excercise bike, a pretty crappy rowing machine and some 5kg handweights of my wifes.

Taking what you’ve listed here’s a couple of ideas. Keeping in mind that you want to lose weight cardio is going to be your best bet.
Keeping it all fairly basic and assuming you don’t have something like a bench to work with.

Day 1 -
Exercise bike
20 mins in total
Put the bike on to a setting that you are comfortable on then do
8 seconds as fast as you can go
12 seconds at a slower pace
repeat until you reached 20 minutes in total

Day 2 -
500m row
Body weight squats 3 sets of 12 reps
Body weight lunges 3 sets of 12 reps
Plank 3 sets of holding for 30 secs
Side plank 3 sets of holding for 30 secs
Burpees 3 sets of 20 reps

Day 3 -
500m row
Standing shoulder press with 5kg dumbbells 3 sets of 12 reps
Front raises with 5kg 3 sets of 12 reps
Bench press lying on the floor 5kg 3 sets of 12 reps
Flat chest flies lying on the floor 5kg 3 sets of 12 reps
Standing overhead tricep curls with 5kg 3 sets of 12 reps
Bicep curls with 5kg 3 sets of 12 reps

If you don’t know what the exercises are look below for images.
Standing shoulder press (like this but standing up)

Front raises

Bench press

Flat chest flies

Standing overhead tricep curls (like this but standing up)


Day 4 take a rest day then start again with Day 1.

Once you get used to the squats and lunges you can start adding the 5kg dumbbells by holding them in your hands while doing the exercise. Once that gets easy do over head squats and lunges, by holding the weights above your head while doing the exercises.

Oh, if your serious about doing stuff at home I’d suggest investing in a skipping rope (you can get one from rebel sport for about $10) and adding some skipping into your workout.

If you’ve got a bench or a fit ball let me know and I can suggest some other stuff for you. This should be enough to get you started.


I prefer this Czech chick, the pom accent gets a bit grating.

ozgirl - 11 July 2012 06:36 AM

I really need to learn how to run - would love to do the couch to 5k program but not willing to get an apple product for it!!

You don’t need an apple product for C25K.

Do you have some form of smart phone? If so look at the app store there will be some version of C25k available. Otherwise you can download the mp3’s and load them on to what type of mp3 player you have.

Here’s a google search to 5k mp3 download free&oq=couch to 5k mp&gs_l=hp.11.1.0l4.…0.0…1c.87VP6J8zUxE&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=3702c85090d3f52&biw=1184&bih=595&pf=p&pdl=300

Some guy has even done his own dj mixes to the program if that’s your kind of thing.


Thanks Tobi!

I actually found one for the Blackberry grin

Now I just have to get off my butt!

ozgirl - 24 July 2012 04:51 AM

Now I just have to get off my butt!

Haha yeah I know that feeling.

I’ve started it many a time and never made it past week 3. I guess it just means I’m getting value out of paying for the app.


finally got off my butt and jogged 6.8km woooohoooo grin


“Help me fitness peeps, im becoming a fat C…........”

Dear Trent. Eat less raspberry


Shit, forgot bout this! Still have to write up a program for ya mate! my bad.

Not going to snow this weekend, so hopefully by friday I can get something together for ya


Oh, Tobi has already beat me too it!
Go with that program.

Main thing with weight loss Energy spent>energy intake.

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 25 July 2012 05:06 AM

Main thing with weight loss Energy spent>energy intake.

Also has a lot to do with diet, however going from being lazy to doing some form of exercise will work at the start. Can start to worry about diet later.

K2_SnatchCrewSader - 25 July 2012 05:06 AM

Oh, Tobi has already beat me too it!
Go with that program.

Main thing with weight loss Energy spent>energy intake.

Exactly!! Thats what I’ve been doing over the last few weeks and dropped 5kg with another 5kg to go and then I’ll be at 80kg which is fine I reckon.