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Fractured Vertebrae


So some of you might be aware that I have fractured the L1 vertebrae in my spine.  Would just like some ideas from anyone who has some experience with vertebrae issues, what treatments are available, any dietary supplements worth looking into and basically any experiences that might help get better quicker!  At this stage I’m looking mostly at rest and looking after my diet, upping the dairy for calcium and maybe some bracing if required.

Apart from that I will keep this thread updated with how it goes for me and be a reference for anyone else who (hopefully not ) might suffer a similar injury.


I have just flagged Coop3 to check this out for you.

My only thing on calcium is that Low fat products tend to have more calcium than full fat. Something to be aware of.


Apart from just lettin the body do it’s thing, I’d recommend keepin the abdominal’s taut to support the spine whenever ya movin around!!!!!

I have a L1 that was formed into two sections, and therefore has no disc between them!!!! If I ever get nerve pain Voltaren gets me through it nicely!!!!!

That’s my Untrained opinion, but good luck with it and hope it doesn’t keep ya outta action too long!!!!!


Oh, and about the calcium thing, I could be wrong but calcium intake will improve bone structure over a long period of time!!!!!

I’m not sure that a massive intake of it will do much for a fracture????? I could be wrong, but that was how I understand it!!!!! Did ya ask the Doc about that?????


Calcium is just one thing, i was thinking of glucosamine and chondrioton but thinks thats more for joints then anything else.  Will look into it all and see what comes up.  In the meantime I think I’m going to get one of these.

Or one of these, not sure what would be best.


Gday Northern.

That’s terrible news. Was it a fall boarding?? (sorry if this is in another thread…I’ve been hiking all day).

The calcium is a good idea. Yes as Mizu said its often used long term however there have been studies to show it assists with fracture healing (they’ve found there is a greater bone density at the fracture site upon healing). It is important to get a calcium suppliment with vitamin D as the vit D makes the calcium more readily available for the body to use. Was it a compression fracture??

As for the glucosamine and chondriotin being useful it will depend on the damage. If there is damage to the disc and space between the vertebrae then it may help long term…it takes a while to start having an effect. Glucosamine and chondroitin are two substances that help lubricate the joint (hence why its useful in arthritic joints that have lost that ‘lubrication).

Mizu is also right that long term maintaining good core stability will be key. Obviously you will need to rest and let the fracture heal but long term core stability will be important for reducing any further injury. As for treatment I would be guided by your doctor on what they want you to do. Once healed they may look to get you some physio etc but what’s always important is to go somewhere good.

I haven’t had a good look at the brace vests but certainly once your all healed it may be something you want to look at.

Take care and take it easy. I hope its not too painful for you :-(


Coop cheers for the info, a mate has the whole thing on video, will post it up as much as I’m not sure I want to see it.  I have the CT scans on disc as well, from my limited knowledge it is a compression fracture, will post up the CT scan as well at some point.


Coop would love to see the scans!!!

I am not voting to see the footage thanks!


Yes definitely pop the scans up grin
And yes Im not so sure watching the vid initially will be very therapeutic. I had dreams about my fall for almost a year and Im sure the last thing Id want to see is my knee out sideways brrrr.


Ok well this is the stack that did it.


flippin heck mate did you do this when? not the same 360 on the 30ft’er, hope you get better soon mate and the recovery is speedy smile


Same 3 same 30fter banger, just did it yesterday. Kinda weird I had just about overshot the landing the attempt before then did that. Earlier in the day I landed 2 perfect from memory. Had two beers at lunch, spent an hour on the bunny slope with the girl and just wasn’t really feeling it and the light was A bit weird,  but was with a mate and thought fark it I will go for it anyway. Hindsights a wonderful thing though.


was good to see you again on the weekend man! spewing about the accident though, mustn’t of been long after drc and i saw you as you were just telling us you landed one perfectly and then were off to the magic carpet or something haha hope the recovery is quick mate!


nthn, i have massive problem with my lover back, i am not going to go in details but lets say when its bad i can barely get out the bed and put my pants on.

what you can buy that does help with out prescription is fallowing creams and they do help and num the pain on relax your muscles.

1) traumeel
2) tiger balm

You need prescription for this 1

colobrex i think its called.  and it is very good.

Other things i would suggest stretch a lot believe it or not it help heaps since i have been stretching and becoming more flexible my back pain has been less frequent.

if you would like to know what exercise i do let me know or send me a pm and i will tell you exactly what i do.

on the other note thos back protectors are good i have the one in second link and i am thinking of getting the vest when i go to use only coz in usa they are cheap let me know maybe i can offload my one 2 ya, however having those back protectors would help you a lot when you do jumps but i think the way you fell having it on or not having it would not made much difference, i tell you what backprotecters are awesome for rails and falls on your back it has saved me so many times.

nthnbeachesguy - 17 June 2012 11:01 AM

Same 3 same 30fter banger, just did it yesterday. Kinda weird I had just about overshot the landing the attempt before then did that. Earlier in the day I landed 2 perfect from memory. Had two beers at lunch, spent an hour on the bunny slope with the girl and just wasn’t really feeling it and the light was A bit weird,  but was with a mate and thought fark it I will go for it anyway. Hindsights a wonderful thing though.

That’s the downfall right there!!!!!

Even though two beers is nothin, and it seems though it has had no effect whatsoever, for some reason it seems to bring people unstuck on the hill!!!!!

Pretty sure K2 had a bevy break just before he went skydivin at last years shred!!!!!


Yep, I’d had a few beers and shots too I think haha