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Tattoo Thread


Got mine to rep the SoHe not Aussie. That was almost 15years ago

TJswish - 15 June 2012 02:52 PM

PNG and a few others wish to disagree Mr. Lebron

TJ their flag (and NZ’s) have the southern cross, but you’ll notice that all stars are 5 points. On the Aus flag they are seven points with the small star being 5.

TJswish - 15 June 2012 02:52 PM

PNG and a few others wish to disagree Mr. Lebron

Umm why would they disagree with what i said?

I never stated only AUS and NZ have it on their flag, i aid we are the 2 countries most associated with the southern cross


yeah as far as australia is concerned, aus and NZ are the countries most associated with the southern cross but so what? I don’t think people from anywhere else in the world would especially associate the southern cross with Australia. There are 5 countries that feature some form of the southern cross on their flag….even brazil has the southern cross on their flag! (albeit it small - it is still there).

I’ve heard heaps of aussies say the southern cross is australian and that it is an australian symbol because you can only see the southern cross from australia.


Well i never said anything like that RE: It being unique to AUS.

What i was getting at is;
Do you see any other nationalities spruiking, for lack of a better word, the southern cross as a symbol of their nation/getting said symbol tattooed on them?

No. Australia is the only country* that has taken to the Southern Cross as a national symbol, albeit not in an official capacity but by the masses.

*Happy to be proven wrong, but from what research i have done there is no other.


^ exactly

Think about it, so many things are named using ‘southern cross’. Businesses eg The Southern Cross Club (Canberra), places like Southern Cross Station in Melbourne or even Lee Kernaghan sang a song and included the lyrics ‘under the southern cross’.

It means something different to everyone.

CRACKERS - 15 June 2012 03:29 PM
chucky - 15 June 2012 08:12 AM
CRACKERS - 14 June 2012 02:39 PM
blizzard_22 - 14 June 2012 01:43 AM

. . . my southern cross tatt, as much as people seem to judge people based on it.

. . . the way people have used that symbol now means it has negative thoughts automatically associated with it when people see it. . .

I’ve considered getting a Southern Cross tattoo BECAUSE it now “has negative thoughts automatically associated with it when [some] people see it” - as a kind of ‘F*CK YOU’ to the sanctimonious hypocrites who piously focus their ignorant prejudice on those who they accuse of exactly the same actions against others. No doubt the irony of their behaviour is completely lost on them.

To some extent I agree. I don’t like when people judge others because they have a tattoo or even because of what they wear. However I can hardly blame my friend at uni that said ’ I cross the road when I see a group of guys with that tatt’. He is Indian and has decided after getting heckled in that situation a few times, that he is going to go with the self preservation option and stay clear. I don’t know if that he is being sanctimonious in that situation. Should he not cross the road just in case he is misjudging them or cross the road and potentially stereotype people incorrectly but stay safe?

Yeah mate, I agree with your friend’s actions - better safe than sorry. BUT once taking that stance, he relinquishes his right to complain when other people treat him in the same manner. Well, he can always complain, but it’s grossly hypocritical to do so.

However, it’s not really these people who I have an issue with - it’s the people who sit high up in their ivory towers, selectively passing judgement on those they consider ‘beneath’ them. They are the ones who are most guilty of social and racial profiling - but they blatantly get away with it, because they have social convention and political correctness on their sides. As long as they reserve their prejudice and discrimination for groups who are less likely to make a huge fuss about it, they are free to perpetuate their sanctimonious hypocrisy unfettered.


Here’s a pic of mine just after it was done.

LeBron_MVP - 15 June 2012 12:39 PM
cabletieperformance - 15 June 2012 06:48 AM

The southern cross isnt Australian

Considering its on our flag most people would associate it with Australia (And NZ)

Actually in South Africa they really love it.

When I was shopping for my ring I noticed in heaps of jewellery stores had heaps of Southern Cross tattoos.

I would have loved to have gotten something but worried about people’s opinions of it.

To me it is more memories of living in London and the whole antipodean aspect rather than being a proud Aussie!


I dig that tattoo Tobi! looks cool.


Good Tattoo Tobi!

chucky - 16 June 2012 02:26 AM

However, it’s not really these people who I have an issue with - it’s the people who sit high up in their ivory towers, selectively passing judgement on those they consider ‘beneath’ them. They are the ones who are most guilty of social and racial profiling - but they blatantly get away with it, because they have social convention and political correctness on their sides. As long as they reserve their prejudice and discrimination for groups who are less likely to make a huge fuss about it, they are free to perpetuate their sanctimonious hypocrisy unfettered.

Good point.


Both equally good points!!!!!


Nice cover up, CRACKERS!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 16 June 2012 04:29 AM

Nice cover up, CRACKERS!!!!!

I was wondering if anyone noticed how many times I stuffed that up…hahah should have know you would be lurking.

By the way that passport comment was a classic, so much so I laughed out loud and then nearly cried cause my broken ribs didn’t like it so much. so thanks for that.