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Pre season park laps.


I don’t know why I haven’t done this before in preseason but there you go.  I just close my eyes and visualise me entering the park, then i’m choosing a trick which i’m hoping to learn on each feature as I go through the park.  Sometimes the park splits up with different lines but luckily i can use my teleportor and hense shred the whole park.  The other advantage is that if you mess it up you don’t have to hike back up you can just rewind and go again. So far i’ve avoided any injuries and in fact i’m getting pretty good.  I think soon i’m gonna employ a cameraman (or women) to film me so I can see my tricks from different angles!


I’m a much better freestyle snowboarder in my visualized efforts than in real-life, smile

I hope you have seen Nev’s videos. The repetition in them is great and various angles too, I almost feel as if I am the one doing the trick after I watch his video segments. I bought the entire set and it is well worth the $.

His website has a few samples, you should check it out if you havent yet.


Do you ever have those dreams where you can float smooth 10’s in any direction? Then you wake up and realise it’s not quite that easy…

Nev will be releasing more videos soon. You will be able to watch some of them on Boardworld. And I agree, well worth the money.


Yeah those dreams are dope, you should see my switch back nines! 
I got the videos from snowboardaddiction the other day, good stuff, I can’t believe how good that guy is switch!  look forward to some more… visulising switch back 3s is hard work, my weight always goes too far forward!


Thanks for the plugs guys. Much appreciated. I enjoy putting quality freestyle tutorials out and have big plans for lots more. For those of you who haven’t purchased the program, here’s my plug: we have a 120% money back guarantee. If you don’t learn anything worthwhile, we’ll give you 100% of you money back plus another 20% extra.
Have fun shredding


edit:*posted in wrong thread. whoops