The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Always Dreamed of Boarding but don’t know what to expect?

snowslider - 15 June 2009 03:57 PM

Here’s an interesting story about… shall we say a stupid parent.

I was teaching a kid, on a normal day mid winter. It was a group of about 5 firs timers.
This one kid was a little slower than the rest of the group and at about our 3rd lap down the hill he got tired of being the last one to come down the little hill and took off the board, and began walking down the hill. I run up to him and try to cater to him, and he’s crying about how clod he is.

He has his glove off and tucked under his jacket. Of course he had some horribly cheap gloves. Thy were a little wet.
I looked at his hand and his pinky finger was white and half of his ring finger was white. I mean like DEAD white.
I knew this was frost bite, and we went to ski patroll as I dismissed the group and then left him at patrol to go find him mom…
She walks with me to patrol and then proceeds to tell me he has a neurological disorder and he “doesnt feel things like most kids do”
So, why would she leave him alone in the freezing cold for 2 hours with a stranger?


aww I can’t believe what some parents do to their kids.. Some people shouldn’t be allowed to have kids


Well, I just really thought it was sad.
I felt bad for the kid, and the parent should have known better.
I’m a nurse by profession, but I dont tell people that when I’m on the hill, or teaching lessons, because I’m not there in that capacity, nor are those my expectations. If I wanted to be a nurse on the hill I’d join the ski patrol.
I am glad that I recognized forst bite for what it was, and I was applauded by the patrol because I got him there so quickly, and did the right thing. but seriously… woudl have another instructor been able to recognize it?
I blame the parent really.

I think this kid could have become a good snowboarder with some patience and time, but he may never visit a ski resort again.