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What other sports do you enjoy?


fantastic sport banger, we did that as one of our year 12 PE practicals (along with volleyball) - best year of PE ever…

I can still remember our teacher (who used to join in our games when we had gotten a bit better), during one of the games - the score was fairly close, and quite a few of us were getting right in to it - now bearing in mind that it was still early enough in the semester that the goalkeeping duties would get swapped around so that everyone had a chance to play there - this particular time it unfortunately (for her) happened to be one of the…less confident girls…

so you can imagine what happened - our teacher (still right in to the game) busts through a couple of defenders, jumps through the air to score the winner, and launches a full pelt throw - straight at this poor girl - who tries to get her hands up, but just cops it square in the nose…

I still remember the look on his face in the air as he was throwing the ball, when the realisation came that it wasn’t one of the guys in the net, but a terrified and probably now scarred for life girl…needless to say the game came to an abrupt halt…

Dave99 - 30 June 2009 04:01 AM

I can`t seem to post pictures from Flickr

You actually have photos posted on the internet.. Oh dear

Just Giver - 01 July 2009 06:38 AM
Dave99 - 30 June 2009 04:01 AM

I can`t seem to post pictures from Flickr

You actually have photos posted on the internet.. Oh dear

none with pyjamas on…

Dave99 - 01 July 2009 11:15 PM
Just Giver - 01 July 2009 06:38 AM
Dave99 - 30 June 2009 04:01 AM

I can`t seem to post pictures from Flickr

You actually have photos posted on the internet.. Oh dear

none with pyjamas on…

It’s not too late Dave, it’s the internet, you can do eeeet!


Ballet. red face

Kite Surfing & Snow kiting I will get into within the next 12 months.


nope…..even with the right img tags , I can`t post from Flickr…WTF?


Sports… everything remotely active

Diving (not that is very active)

And anything else that is going


Golf and cricket mainly, but also some soccer, badminton, skateboarding, and table tennis (a sport? probably. definitely heaps of fun)


I enjoy racquetball too.
Air hockey is fun too.


Ohhh man schoolyard handball was awesome. Did anyone play brandings?


FINALLY another cricketer raspberry where do you play dan? bowler/batsman, all the other regular questions…?

and brandings? do elaborate…cos all i can think of at the moment in my needing bed stage is little kids running around the schoolyard with hot poker irons giving each other nice scars that would need some explaining to their parents…

bangabain - 30 June 2009 11:34 PM

fantastic sport banger, we did that as one of our year 12 PE practicals (along with volleyball) - best year of PE ever…

I can still remember our teacher (who used to join in our games when we had gotten a bit better), during one of the games - the score was fairly close, and quite a few of us were getting right in to it - now bearing in mind that it was still early enough in the semester that the goalkeeping duties would get swapped around so that everyone had a chance to play there - this particular time it unfortunately (for her) happened to be one of the…less confident girls…

so you can imagine what happened - our teacher (still right in to the game) busts through a couple of defenders, jumps through the air to score the winner, and launches a full pelt throw - straight at this poor girl - who tries to get her hands up, but just cops it square in the nose…

I still remember the look on his face in the air as he was throwing the ball, when the realisation came that it wasn’t one of the guys in the net, but a terrified and probably now scarred for life girl…needless to say the game came to an abrupt halt…

this sounds like that volleyball scene in meet the parents!


I actually don’t and haven’t for many years participated in anything that is traditionally considered a sport other then snowboarding and the occasional ski. I have always (pretty consistently) attended a gym of some variety and I snowboard as much as I possibly can every year - sometimes this is around 100 days/year sometimes it is only 10.

I’m aware this is abnormal but I’m also kind of proud of it.




Soccer, surfing ,Cycling, a bit of couching!


Not to much I don’t like but my personal favourites would be:

Boarding, go figure
Football (Soccer)
Rugby League, and it’s many varieties like touch, oztag ect

But yeah, am keen to give what every one else is doing a go, just get out there and have fun.