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Short Film Contest - SNOW 2011


Oh man! All my stuff is filmed in the northern hemisphere :(


haha yeah me to! my fav film ive ever made is all from Sweden earlier this year. I’m going to whip something up though from the two days I rode this year.
Having said that, last years winner was a Crapneto style vid and had no actual snow in it, so you could always get something happening


I would still like ta see ya work but, Andy!!!!


I just made a thread in the vids section. I’ll still put my vids up for sure.


Where do we post our eidts just in this thread?? and when is it closed the night of the 30th???


Where do we post our eidts just in this thread?? and when is it closed the night of the 30th???


so is anybody entering this???? whats going on seems a little blank is all for the prize


so is anybody entering this???? whats going on seems a little blank is all for the prize


Im pretty sure Im going to enter, got some footage just need to find the time to edit it. there is always people loading them the night it closes. the winner last year got it in about 5mins before dealine


yeh and just post in this thread


We have extended the closing date to October 14th. Some resorts are staying open to the October long weekend. We want to give everyone the opportunity to film and time to edit.


Does it have to be only film? can it be a montage of flim and photos?


Thanks Jeremy - can this be extended for Spaz’s one run comp, too? I’m in the midst of packing up and moving house and don’t have much time to sit at a computer and edit right now!


You’ll have to ask spaz that question, as he’s the one running it and donating the prizes. smile


Closing date announced.

11:59pm on Friday, October 14th, 2011 (AEST).

Please make sure you get in all your entries before then.