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Radios & Resorts….


So… I thought I’d start a post about radios and resorts.

By radio, I mean CB portables? (or whatever it is, you know what I mean put batteries in, switch the frequency etc etc. )

Very useful in most cases, especially if skill levels aren’t up to par with the other riders.

However, I know some resorts do not look too kindly on them.
For example, most types banned in Japan resorts… maybe due to it blocking emergency services frequencies etc etc.

Tell me, what do you gaiz use if you do at all, and what types aren’t allow where…..

(Plz move if this is inappropriate for this section of the forum.)  =D


Since ski patrol and mountain ops all use radios, they likely don’t want you listening in on their conversations and / or being annoying on the offical lines.


^that I understand.

But is there just an immediate blackban on using radios on resorts?

Like I said, in Japan I see signs if you’re caught out using one it gets confiscated and you lose your pass.

Just wanting to know legalities as I had a convo with a mate regarding this.


No legalities (in Aus) that i know.

As long as they are the walkies talkie type go for it.

A proper CB strength one *could* cross channels with the mountain ops one. (not sure actually about the frequencies etc - but stick with basic walkie talkie and it wont. I know that much!)


Pretty sure it is illegal in Japan?????

Most other counties, I’ve never heard that there’s even a ban!!!!!

* Can’t remember if I’ve read it/dreamt it/or been told via second hand info!!!!!


Apparently there are radios you can use, but they have to be licences and certified!!!!!

If you possess a radio equipment that cannot be used in Japan in a condition where radio waves can be emitted, you will be considered as having established an illegal radio station and punished by law, regardless of whether you are aware of the illegality of your act or whether you have used the radio equipment in question.


You are fine to use UHF in Aus and NZ, anywhere.

I think Ski patrol use another frequency that is out of the regular 80 uhf channels.

Japan use the uhf frequencies for TV IIRC and that’s why you can’t use them there.


Pretty sure they like to control the airwaves so they can get emergency/disaster broadcasts through effectively!!!!!

Tsunami, Earthquake, Typhoon, etc!!!!!



Awesome info everyone. I know with mobiles working well and in some areas wifi all over the place (looking at you Whistler,) radios are kinda obsolete, but yeah.. just thought I’d ask. =)


Yeah, I reckon mobile is the way to go!!!!!

Most will get some form of emergency only call rexeption too, so if ya do need help if think it would be better than a radio!!!!!

Maybe deep Backcountry could be a different story though, but I’d be takin an EPIRB or Satalite Phone then!!!!!