The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


FYVE X BOARDWORLD Graphic Design Contest 2014

This is my entry for the mens board
The Golden Goddess
All hand drawn


This was an Awesome Competition smile
Mens Competition Submit !


My entry


My MENS Snowboard entry
I took a completely different approach to both my MENS and LADIES board designs, bearing in mind who would be buying them.

For my LADIES board I used my own watercolour paintings for the “Indian style” design, and mostly used Illustrator to assemble it…

But for this one I took the photo of the skull myself and used other stock images, using Photoshop for everything, except the FYVE logo on the base.

I thoroughly enjoyed creating both these boards and I hope you enjoy looking at them

I wanted to show this close up, which I had to adjust the brightness/contrast to show the details that you can’t really see when it’s uploaded to the site.


this actually shows hardly any of the detail that my version has mad


“Party Animals” (Mens Entry)
Glad to finally get this out. Good luck to everyone!

EDIT: Forgot to add my name:
Emilio Elmowy

(BTW that is a FYVE brand goonsack!)


Original illustrations done by myself. The concept is behind the infamous ‘African Big Five’.

Name: Lockie Royall
Instagram: lockieroyall


Cheers for running this comp FYVE and Boardworld. I had heaps of fun creating this graphic, I hope you guys like it.


This is my entry for the Men’s Snowboard Design.

You can check my portfolio at
Instagram: @tashlusso
Facebook: Tash Lusso


Male Submission

Will explain more in the next post just making sure i make it before the deadline


Alright nothing like the wheel of death when you have a deadline.

Please find below a better quality picture of the proposed design.

If I happen to be successful with this particular design the HD wood picture seen within can be purchased at any stage.


hand drawn illustration of my sausage dog and hand drawn FYVE logo typography


My entry! grin


This contest in now closed. Thank you to everyone who entered.

The final round of entries will be uploaded to Facebook soon.

The winners will be announced as soon as possible. Please be patient as the judges need to go through a lot of entries which takes time. Thank you for understanding.


So many dope entries!!...(about 50 serious contenders by my count)
With a job, a board, and a trip to Japan as possibilities for a prize, theres a lot of nervous excitement waiting to see what subs gets picked. Congrats to the lucky bastards who win…