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What do you want to find under your Christmas tree?


That…and im also unemployed LOL


dear santa
I would be ever most grateful to find a Yes 420 under my tree at xmas.
I think ive been mostly good this year
love trent

trentradpants - 13 December 2013 08:28 AM

dear santa
I would be ever most grateful to find a Yes 420 under my tree at xmas.
I think ive been mostly good this year
love trent

all I got from that was 420 haha
now that would be a sweet Christmas treat smile

beachndogs - 13 December 2013 08:36 AM
trentradpants - 13 December 2013 08:28 AM

dear santa
I would be ever most grateful to find a Yes 420 under my tree at xmas.
I think ive been mostly good this year
love trent

all I got from that was 420 haha
now that would be a sweet Christmas tree smile

Yes, yes it would be cheese

DylanV - 13 December 2013 01:36 PM
beachndogs - 13 December 2013 08:36 AM
trentradpants - 13 December 2013 08:28 AM

dear santa
I would be ever most grateful to find a Yes 420 under my tree at xmas.
I think ive been mostly good this year
love trent

all I got from that was 420 haha
now that would be a sweet Christmas tree smile

Yes, yes it would be cheese

i see what you did there
well played haha
and you’re not wrong LOL


Damn kids and your wacky tabaccy


Wow I must not be one of the cool kids anymore, that reference means nothing to me.


I’ve got no idea what they’re on, about, either!!!!!


4/20 or in normal countries 20th day of the 4th month.
Its that massive weed festival thing they have in whistler.
They are talking about weed.


I think we should call a Saftey Meeting!!!!!


How about a spelling meeting?


Must’ve been the Sherm Sticks I had for breakfast this mornin!!!!!  long face


Thanks deano for giving me the DL bro I was cray jelly and mirin crew in the know but now totes amazeballs at my peeps eh!



deanobruce - 13 December 2013 03:29 PM

4/20 or in normal countries 20th day of the 4th month.
Its that massive weed festival thing they have in whistler.
They are talking about weed.[/quote

it’s actually a massive cultural things across the west coast
more than just a festival in whis
plus its always the time every-one chills for a safety meeting each day
safety first kids

i have no idea what you’re talking about NBG haha