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Lake Tahoe 2013/14

Not hugely popular? How so? A little disappointing, I was kinda looking forward to get here quite a bit! Everything I’ve read about it rates the terrain quite well!


Those who have been LOVE it!

Just not highly frequented by boardworldians compared to other mountains!

grahamgee - 13 November 2013 07:27 PM

Not hugely popular? How so? A little disappointing, I was kinda looking forward to get here quite a bit! Everything I’ve read about it rates the terrain quite well!

Great place, you are indeed correct, the crowds are a bit less than the rest of Tahoe due to its relative isolation and lack of lake views. There are two passes to navigate between SLT and the resort, and then another one back towards the west. On a bad (good?) day both sides of the road might be shut due to avalanche danger. It’s windy windy windy, though, I’ve been there when it’s blowing > 160 km/h at the top.

Also notable that I learned to snowboard there, and later worked there for a season.



Well we got puked on with 3ft of snow at Kirkwood, over 2ft at Heavenly and Northstar last week and even after a Saturday I managed to get thigh deep lines at Kirkwood on a Sunday. Perfect.

It’s been bluebird since and we’re really looking forward to another big one. It was pretty exciting to have to clear about a ft and a half of snow off the truck after one night at town level.

I’ve been out for a couple days with a pulled muscle in my back - still no idea how I did it. But thems the breaks. Hopefully back on the board tomorrow.

Have had a couple of base shots repaired already, I guess it was always going to happen with someone my size and weight on a 158.

Picked up the Jones Hovercraft to rip out after the storms, can not WAIT to get on that thing!

Blog has been updated a couple of times, I’m yet to post a few shots from shooting the jumpline at Heavenly a couple of days ago though. Will get em up soon! here’s a taste!


So jealous. When i was there late Dec-early Jan it was the worst start to a season in like 50 years. And you get pow mid december LOL


We haven’t had a lot of snow lately at all so I’ve been making the most of it, getting out to the parks at Heavenly and Northstar and doing as much shooting as possible, Making use of the 1DX.

This one I actually had to remove about 6 frames to make it easy enough to make out what the guy is doing.

Shot with the 1DX and the 8-15mm Fisheye lens.


PS Happy Merricuh New Year Y’all.

grahamgee - 01 January 2014 01:33 PM

We haven’t had a lot of snow lately at all so I’ve been making the most of it, getting out to the parks at Heavenly and Northstar and doing as much shooting as possible, Making use of the 1DX.

This one I actually had to remove about 6 frames to make it easy enough to make out what the guy is doing.

Shot with the 1DX and the 8-15mm Fisheye lens.

nice splitboard!




Hey Graham, it looks like Tahoe is FINALLY going to get some fresh snow later this week. How have you been coping?

I saw these comparative photos from last January and this January. Harsh.