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Thoughts on Stretching


I do tend to get sore knees if I don’t stretch.  If I don’t stretch every day the soreness returns quite quickly.  I’ve found the foam roller to be very effective at loosening up my quads/ITB to reduce the knee problem.  I guess that means there is some benefit to stretching for me, and it seems many others based on comments above.


Apart from surfing and snowboarding I don’t stretch prior UNLESS its to relieve pain or recover from injuries or I have a tight spot.

After surfing I don’t stretch.
After snowboarding I find it essential (especially early in the season).

When I used to go to the gym I would stretch afterwards.

In the mornings I find doing a lazy “salute to the sun” is the best way to wakeup, much better than coffee!
A proper Salute to the Sun (series of yoga posses) is my go-to pre-intense-activity stretch and corrective posture/injury routine.

I don’t do any training/xtraining for my active life (surf, snowboarding, ETC). I believe, at my age, the youger me primed my body and fitness levels to a degree that I’m physically able to continue now since I’ve “trained” my body.

It does take a few weeks to get muscle/strength/fitness to ideal levels if I’ve been out of action for a while.