The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Which female pro riders pro-files do you want to see in ‘Girls Only’?


Hey Girls,

Which female Pro riders pro-files do you want to see in ‘Girls Only’?

Let me know.. AND ill try find where they’re hiding in the world..



I’ve always like Shannon Dunn-Downing.
Anyone know where Athena went?

Hannah Teeter seems like a cool, down to earth girl.
Where is Cara-Beth Burnside?


shaun White


you got a thing for red heads, Dave?


torah bright


Victoria Jealouse, Annie Boulanger, Alexis Waite, Zurek’s cool but kinda boring at the same time, Molly Aguirre, Priscilla Levac, Tara Dakides, Spencer O’Brien, Elena Hight, Stine Bruun-Kjeldes (or whatever that last bit is, but she’s pretty funny) for starters, and Kjersti Buuas. And Torah.


Awesome list..  They are already on my long list of names.. They are all amazing riders.. so now you will just have to wait and see..


what about getting some of the aussie pro/am riders to join up here? or do some profiling on them…see how they took the step from normal rider to pro, got sponsored etc

Banger - 21 June 2009 12:25 PM

what about getting some of the aussie pro/am riders to join up here? or do some profiling on them…see how they took the step from normal rider to pro, got sponsored etc

Dont worry.. we didn’t forget the Aussie / NZ girls that are ripping..

We will also be searching for up-and-coming Aussie / NZ / International riders this season, with the help from International Pros, that will be going into the section called ‘Lil Legends’