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The movie thread

rider26 - 07 March 2015 08:05 AM
spaz - 06 March 2015 07:46 PM

In saying that; I haven’t seen American Sniper. What’s the verdict?

I thought it was great. Very touching story on many levels. Solid 8/10.

Agreed, was a very good movie!!!


Has anyone seen Wild, with Reese Witherspoon?

Watched it last night and really enjoyed it. Not sure if I’d recommend it to most people as it’s one of those movies that maybe only appeals to a certain audience, but I think most of you here would enjoy it.

Tills - 10 March 2015 08:57 AM

Has anyone seen Wild, with Reese Witherspoon?

Watched it last night and really enjoyed it. Not sure if I’d recommend it to most people as it’s one of those movies that maybe only appeals to a certain audience, but I think most of you here would enjoy it.

Saw this with Mrs Dragon, we really enjoyed it!! A great achievement story, inspiring that someone could do it, stick with it and succeed.
And for you have seen it, that initial scene with all the effort - that was not only hilarious but real! Reese opened all that stuff for the first time really for the first time wink


Interstellar.  Didn’t know what to expect, actually not too bad as it wasn’t full of ridiculous plot holes.  7/10.


Imitation Game = 8/10 Thought it was good easy to watch and the actors did great. Nice twists.

Wild = 4/10 Borrrrringgggg…thought it was a little weak. Great acting but story was a bit basic.


Soo.. just thought I’d share with you that apparently they’re closing up a bridge and an area in Vancouver for filming…. (vancouverites can confirm, Jez? Rhys?)

The film may or may not be the Deadpool movie.

I think I just jizzed in my pants.


Saw Montage of Heck last night.

Really good. Nothing really new or surprising if you’re a Nirvana fan, but a real insight into the lives of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love. quite a bit of never before seen footage, mixed with some familiar footage. Was actually quite sad though.

Definitely have a look if you’re a fan of Nirvana, or music in general.


I saw Hot Tub Time Machine 2 the other night. And while there was no snow, it was still pretty good for a silly comedy movie.

7/10. Worth a watch if you got time and liked the first one.


^ haha, I saw that yesterday too. That last bit made me laugh.