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Sandbox & Absinthe Premieres - Sydney - September 16



I am there.  Just found out that I have the night off to !!!!!  Be good mental build up as the next day I have the law ball.


Can’t wait for this one! It’s going to be such a fun night. I hope to see you all there!  grin


I had a feeling it’d be on this night..  devastated I can’t make it because I’ll be at Metallica.

Just have to wait for the DVD’s to see them now.


yeoweee I’m keen - hopefully be there with some friends if I can. frothing for nico muller’s part.


ill go to the sydney one


Seriously can not wait going to keep me stoked all week!


Saw Now/Here last night in Montreal.
Favourite parts were Debari, Merrill, Leines and DCP.

Dan Brisse has gigantic manly ballz.

Gigi, Nico and Terje all had good parts, but it’s nice to see the up and comers really standing out.

Going to see Gigi’s Volcom movie (9191) tomorrow night, stoked!


We had such a fun night at the premiere. Great turnout, awesome films, free beer… Michelle scored an Absinthe DVD!

Great to finally meet CRACKERS and cords, really nice to meet you guys! I hope you had a good night too!  grin


Nice to meet you to! might be going to the one on friday night to!


yeah likewise, jeremy! I’m keen for friday night, too but also keen to ride both days of the weekend…see if I can work something out!
