The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Beautiful Girls All Over the World


A friend agreed to model for a few photos.  I had fun trying to shoot people without boards attached to their feet.

This only really covers Christchurch NZ so maybe others can fill in the rest of the world part


that first shot is mad, good work.


Great work Tony.

The high res of your first shot, is there still definition in her face?  It is a great lifestyle landscape shot.  I really like the way you captured everything.  The sky, the model, city and ocean all balance really well.

Good job on the second shot as well.  Its got that urban country girl look.  Keep up the shots man keep trying new stuff your doing great.

And the third is a good portrait, little to washed out for my preference, watch that your subject does not drop her shoulders next time.  Other then that they are all great shots.




these aren’t staying up for very long….


Hurray, nice shot gamblor.
Thanks for the feedback Brad. excuse my ignorance but why do you not want the subject to drop their shoulders?


Nice work Gamblor,

Thanks for sharing even if its just a short term loan lol.  Great lighting


she works for an agency so the pics are not supposed to see the light of day…so shhhhh! wink

Tony- rolled shoulders like that are more of a manly pose. girls are supposed to have good posture and get their chest out (if you’re going for a model shot)


Great photos guys. Good work!