The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive
You have to tell us why it is your favourite Drift HD video. What do you love about it?
This is my favourite video. It shows how clear the Drift is at high speeds and doing something I love. Riding a motorbike (not me).
You also have to tell us why you want to win the Drift HD camera pack. Why do you need it?
I want to win the Drift HD video pack to use it in a variety of situations including Snowboarding, Surfing, Skating, Motorsports, Push Bikes and a whole range of other situations. I want to be able to look at what I have done and how I can improve my skills to help me progress in each sport / activity!
This Is my favourite video filmed by the drift hd
or the big dollar post production budgets
Welcome back stranger!
Thanks for the reminder the bill’s in the mail!
LOL this is gold but oh so true lol riding with you on the mountain, there’s so many randoms that want to know the deets on the camera and since buying mine I’ve been the same. People are even noticing it mounted on my board asking about how it goes and where to buy lol
I love how fast the HD POV trend is taking over YouTube, but the main thing about these Drift HD cameras is that they’re packed full of features that other cameras in the same category lack. Even the Drift HD itself has better true-to-life colors and awesome sound quality when compared to other POV cameras - which mean less headaches when editing. Plus the Drift HD cameras have firmware updates! That’s pretty damn cool. Basically, there’s nothing bad to say about it, honestly.
I have been wanting to create a YouTube channel featuring awesome POV videos of my buddies and I skating, racing, four-wheeling, and any other outdoor activity worth sharing. This camera would definitely boost my channel dreams. Just thinking about it gets me all excited. haha
Wasn’t going to post this as i had missed the cutoff due to work commitments (was going to post friday night but didnt get home til 9.30pm, maybe if im lucky the guys at drift will accept me still
) but thought today, screw it i might as well post what i had written up anyway….
A short story behind the video - Over the weekend our confidence in riding had finally started to get a move along again and DRC and i had started trying bigger and better things. One thing DRC wanted to start getting under his belt was having the confidence in the air. He has no interest in hitting the park but when exploring the mountain wants to be able to hit the natural features on the mountain and get some air. Previously he had some issues with jumps as once in the air he’d kind of freak out and end up landing on his bum (some of you have been unfortunate (or possibly fortunate) enough to have seen the photo of his backside in a trip report he put together earlier lol. Finally, he had worked out what had been going wrong in the air and was starting to land some smaller jumps. Once the confidence was up and he as landing with minimal issues he spotted something bigger that he wanted to hit and as it was the biggest thing i have ever seen him hit, i thought this had to be captured on video.
The reason as to why i have chosen the below video is because it demonstrates a couple of mates riding the mountain, just having the time of their lives, making the most of what they have. It shows the benefits of a drift camera and the importance as to why they are great to always have handy. Without the Drift, how would we have been able to capture these great memories. This is now something that we can always look back on and laugh as we progress to become better riders. Next year we could hit this same feature and do it perfectly, then look back on this video and laugh at the good times as these were the days of our progression of becoming more confident and better riders.
The reason i would like to win the Drift pack is because as we move throughout the mountain there are many things going on when riding with our mates and i want to be able to catch each and every bit off it. The bonnus of having this cam, with most of our group riding around and only my camera and DRC’s, there are often occassions where something awesome happens but is missed. My fiance, Merryn, enjoys the editing side of things so with the more action captured from varied angles she can put these videos together to share as memories with friends but also to put together as video’s for trip reports from our season. With the summer just around the corner now, we are looking to take up more summer sports (e.g. wakeboarding with 4ce_ful). By having this additional camera, there will be nothing missed from our trips and it will be something we can all look back on when we are old and fragile (but still riding) to think about the good days we have had, to know that we have lived great lives and had our fun.
Haha nice write-up mate, It was a fantastic day but that wasn’t my finest moment! I’m expecting a call from Snowboard Addiction to take part in there training videos sometime soon!
Another great thing about DriftHD cameras is the 60fps mode meaning you can slow the video down so you can fully appreciate the skills involved!
oh yeah…...forgot to add that part in as well…...
Perfect Dismount and Landing 10/10 for LOL Factor
Perfect Dismount and Landing 10/10 for LOL Factor
Hah! Nice flip haha, Im looking through the vids this morning and will choose a lucky winner.
Second Place goes to…..
“What do you love about it?” - I love everything about it really. It’s amazing how little it is, yet how much potential it has.
“Why do you need it?” - I would love to win this camera, because I want to film myself skateboarding, and hopefully inspire others to skate, and realize that it’s a really fun thing to do. I probably won’t win this, but it’s worth a shot, right?
And the winner of the Camera goes to this video. It had a real sense of mate ship, and the camera will be getting a lot of use by its new owner.
Also a couple of extra prizes going to
RPS88A - you have won your self a Drift T shirt
Koper - you have won your self a Drift hat.
Thanks to all that have entered the comp, To those of you that have won prizes please contact me and we can organise to delivery of your prize.
Also the first 5 people to ask below will receive a Drift sticker kit in the post.
Regards Drew
What do i love about the video? Video’s these days aren’t all about the millions spent on the camera equipment, the dreamspot location backdrop or the big dollar post production budgets, its just about filming the mad times and re-living them and being able to share them easily with the world. This video was shot on DRC_13’s drift HD and it shows mates having a mad time, loving life and having a dig at the sport they love.
Why do i need a Drift HD pack? Simple because im left out in the group!!! All the boys are sporting DRIFT HD cams now im missing out. With Summer rolling around now im hanging to get out on the Wakeboard and catch some Footage, i dont even own a video camera, let alone one that will cop a beating with my stupid hobbies of Wakeboarding, Snowboarding, Moto Riding and even car racing/club cruises. I have missed out on plenty of treasured memories already and dont want to miss out on capturing anymore
4ce_Full congrats!!!!!!
And I will grab a sticker pack
Congrats 4ce_full.
Wow what a result! Very generous of Drift HD it was a fantastic competition.
I’ll be cashing in my credits for introducing both 4ce_Full and RPS to Boardworld and Drift!
Might have to up my video producing and stunt fees while I’m at it!