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OK to sell stuff here?


Won’t apply to my industry which is closely tied to construction which is incredibly competitive.  There is no reason for us to think about it from the other side of the fence, most people don’t see any issues with buying online as it saves them money.  IMO the good retailers will survive, the ones who add value and provide excellent service, product and support will continue on, probably in conjunction with a good solid online store as well.


I thought that deanobruce was also in the construction industry?????

Less retail shops fronts = Less retail shop fitters!!!!! Maybe a contributin factor in his current unemployment????? (I may be wrong as I don’t know his previous companies situation)

This is only one example and I’m pretty sure that if I knew more about your actual role, I could give an example of how OS Internet Applications and Services can have an impact on your own industry!!!!!

Mizu Kuma - 27 June 2012 06:45 AM

I even hear that School Teachers went out on strike today because the Gov’t wants to give principles full control of their own budgets!!!!! All the Gov’t is doin is tryin to be more competitive and save money!!!!! Did you support the strike action today, cords?????

More competitive? How so? Who benefits from this? Doesn’t make any sense.

Not full control for principals - its about 75% of their budgets, I believe. I support the action fully. Did I go to the march today? no, I was looking after my niece and nephew as of course they were home from school.

The teachers are sticking up for the students, who have no way of sticking up for themselves. Cost cutting in schools in that way will mean that class sizes will more than likely go up. Anyone who has a shred of common sense knows that smaller class sizes massively improve the chances of the teacher to do some good with the kids in their care. In the past 20ish years, Australia has come a long way in this area - from having classes that were all 30, 31 or 32 kids, to much closer to 24,25,26. There is still the odd class of 30 around though. I know non-teachers might not think it, but a difference of 5 or 6 less kids in your class is incredible! You are able to achieve so much more!

I simply do not believe that cost cutting in schools can do any good, in any fashion. You cannot put a price on the value of a child’s education. This is the facey status of a friend of mine who is a teacher.

“On the eve of strike action, I beg Mr O’Farrell to look the students in the eye whom will be most affected by his cuts. Look little Johnny in the eye and tell him you won’t be giving his school the funding they’ll need to end the poverty cycle his family is in! You tell him, public education has nothing to give you! And then tell me I’m not within my rights to fight, fight for him, and all the students that need my voice!!!!!”


Electronic security mate, CCTV, access control etc.  Lots of govt work, some interesting times ahead, ICAC is tearing a new one out of a few suspect companies and consultancy firms at the moment, the transcripts from the hearing make for hilarious reading.  The lower tiers of the industry like small commercial and domestic is a shitfight that I wouldn’t like to be involved in.  I deal mainly with large construction and enterprise clients and we service a lot of financial institutions and govt work as well as large commercial and other development.

As far as the internet having a negative impact in the same vein as retail it’s basically non existent.  There is so much R&D and engineering built into the high level security platforms and training and accreditation costs for integrators that it provides a level of protection in itself.  One of the systems that we use comes out of NZ of all places, others come from Germany and the US.  The hardware does come from Asia but the software that runs it isn’t, a threat from online retailing really doesn’t even add up.

I think Deano was involved in commercial fitouts more so then retail, that’s even more competitive part of construction, you consistently see companies in that arena pull their pants down just to win work, make no profit but just turn over wages to keep people employed.


So in the same way, Jeremy and the local Snow Industry don’t see cost cutting as a benefit to their own sector!!!!!

When they introduce Video Conferencing Style Teaching, it will save the Taxpayer stacks of money!!!!!

In the exact same way that you are showin your lack of support for what the NSW Gov’t is doin to your industry, the Retail Industry are are chosin to do exactly the same!!!!! Why bag the shit out of the local industry????? Why not support it like ya expect the community to support yours?????


I really don’t think you can compare the two Mizu for so many reasons, I think you know this as well as the next person.


Sorry mate, that was in reply to cords!!!!!

nthnbeachesguy - 27 June 2012 10:04 AM

Electronic security mate, CCTV, access control etc.  Lots of govt work, some interesting times ahead, ICAC is tearing a new one out of a few suspect companies and consultancy firms at the moment, the transcripts from the hearing make for hilarious reading.  The lower tiers of the industry like small commercial and domestic is a shitfight that I wouldn’t like to be involved in.  I deal mainly with large construction and enterprise clients and we service a lot of financial institutions and govt work as well as large commercial and other development.

As far as the internet having a negative impact in the same vein as retail it’s basically non existent.  There is so much R&D and engineering built into the high level security platforms and training and accreditation costs for integrators that it provides a level of protection in itself.  One of the systems that we use comes out of NZ of all places, others come from Germany and the US.  The hardware does come from Asia but the software that runs it isn’t, a threat from online retailing really doesn’t even add up.

I think Deano was involved in commercial fitouts more so then retail, that’s even more competitive part of construction, you consistently see companies in that arena pull their pants down just to win work, make no profit but just turn over wages to keep people employed.

So, does your company also do the monitoring side of things?????


Na mate, very very few security companies do.

I realise that first was in response to Cords and I think the two really don’t even bear comparison as they are so different.  Education for children vs buying your snow gear online or in a shop, worlds apart.


I’m hoping nthn was replying to your reply to me! I don’t think you can compare the retail sector and education of our children - for so many reasons & I’d hope you’d know this as well as the next person!

I’ve never bagged the shit out of the local industry, I just said, or agreed with someone else’s post saying that the australian retailers would be better off putting a lot of effort into coming up with some viable alternative or other way of surviving, because prospects of surviving while operating in the same fashion they are now, without evolving is becoming increasingly unlikely.

I don’t earn enough to pay full price for anything, so my choice is limited to the best of the cheapest I can find. Wherever that is, I’ll go. Doesn’t matter if its groceries, snowboards or cotton buds (got a pack of 750 for $2 at the salvos yesterday!) If I could find somewhere local to get a board and it was $10 or $20 maybe even $50 more expensive than what I could find online, I’d prob pay the extra to support the local shop but when you earn 10k in a year, there are always gonna be limits!

nthnbeachesguy - 27 June 2012 10:40 AM

I realise that first was in response to Cords and I think the two really don’t even bear comparison as they are so different.  Education for children vs buying your snow gear online or in a shop, worlds apart.

Praise Jeebers, Allah, Ganesh or whoever you find most relevant!

nthnbeachesguy - 27 June 2012 10:40 AM

Na mate, very very few security companies do.

I realise that first was in response to Cords and I think the two really don’t even bear comparison as they are so different.  Education for children vs buying your snow gear online or in a shop, worlds apart.

Why’s that?????

Surely as a taxpayer I want my money better spent!!!!! And if my kids still went to school, I would want the best education that my money could buy!!!!!

If I had a class that was video conferenced by the best teacher in the world, that worked out cheaper than the system that we have now, wouldn’t that make sense????? It would definitely cost people like cords their jobs though!!!!!

I bet if people told ya 40 years ago that ya could click on a button a few times, and with in a week they will deliver you an item from the other side of the planet to your door or workplace, you would’ve probably laughed?????

They even show how the NBN will have a doctor from one side of the country/planet givin a patient a consultation via the internet!!!!!

No need for the receptionist at the surgery????? No need for a clinic even????? Directly or indirectly, jobs will change as each industry changes, and more than likely it won’t include creatin more jobs as this costs money and affects the bottom line!!!!!

Surely ya can see that????? That is why the snow/skate/surf retail industry try to protect theirs!!!!!

I don’t see a problem with them doin so!!!!!

cords - 27 June 2012 10:44 AM

I’m hoping nthn was replying to your reply to me! I don’t think you can compare the retail sector and education of our children - for so many reasons & I’d hope you’d know this as well as the next person!

I’ve never bagged the shit out of the local industry, I just said, or agreed with someone else’s post saying that the australian retailers would be better off putting a lot of effort into coming up with some viable alternative or other way of surviving, because prospects of surviving while operating in the same fashion they are now, without evolving is becoming increasingly unlikely.

I don’t earn enough to pay full price for anything, so my choice is limited to the best of the cheapest I can find. Wherever that is, I’ll go. Doesn’t matter if its groceries, snowboards or cotton buds (got a pack of 750 for $2 at the salvos yesterday!) If I could find somewhere local to get a board and it was $10 or $20 maybe even $50 more expensive than what I could find online, I’d prob pay the extra to support the local shop but when you earn 10k in a year, there are always gonna be limits!

This all started with people sayin how they can’t see that advertisin os links, and tradin gear on here is such a drama!!!!!

I have simply said that I can’t see a problem with how the local industry and Jeremy responds to this!!!!!

If it were your industry you would respond the same!!!!!

Why is the Retail Industry any less of a concern as any other Industry anyway?????

I personally think that it plays a very big role in our social makeup!!!!! Just as Education, Construction etc tec!!!!!

A worker bee is just as an integral part of the hive as the soldier is!!!!!


Look I can see it’s something you feel passionately about Mizu but realistically comparing buying snow gear online vs supporting your local store to the education system is incredibly obtuse.  I could probably find a comparison between processing refugees offshore vs in country that would have the same if not more relevance. 

Maybe one day the education system will be unrecognisable from what it is now but that’s a future argument, the retail sector has been thrust into the brave new world and IMO a lot of them are not adapting to it.

Additionally I don’t for one second believe that new jobs won’t be created, every time there has been a technological advancement it has created a new industry.  Were did IT come from?  It wasn’t really around in 1980 was it?  Yet in 30 Years it is one of the biggest industries in the world employing literally millions of people.  Telco is similar, didn’t pop up until the early part of last century but yet it created a shedload more jobs.


In my opinion stores like Byrne aren’t closing because of internet shopping alone. Its a good excuse for them though, but the brands they stock are out of flavour, their staff are often rude and always condescending, they try to tell you what is ‘cool’ when they have no idea themselves.  People don’t like that, combine it with easy access to online shopping and I take the online shopping or go somewhere that has adapted. There are newer more industry focused stores around, that at the moment at least, cater for actual riders, as opposed to people that just want to be seen in surf/snowboard clothing- Take Stoke factory in Wollongong for example, its new, rider driven and is doing well and employing new people (they haven’t got it perfect but they are close). Byrne surf probably doesn’t even know its there or wonders why every second grom is paddling past in Zion wetsuits, unlucky you missed the boat fellas.

As for not allowing 2nd hand sales, like NBG, ill abide by the rules but you have to also remember that a forum is made up of members/community not made up of companies, there are plenty of other forums that have sponsors and member to member sales on the same forum- fishing and aquarium forums Im on come to mind.  I don’t think you can easily link 2nd hand sales and overseas website links/sales either. Banning links to overseas stores/shops is a not a problem in my books.