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quick and dirty gopro pole


Taking inspiration from Mizu and Spaz’ efforts, I have constructed this lazy man’s GoPro pole.  It’s just a GoPro handlebar mount on the end of a telescopic walking pole.  No idea how it will go.  Pictured next to my Tasman 152 for scale.


looks good. I don’t think you’re gonna use it much at full extension though - you’d need a bit of bend in the pole and also a counterweight, or your wrist will get sore pretty quickly. Using it short will be sweet for filming others, though!


Yeah, you’re right, cords, it is a bit heavy to hold just by the handle.  Holding it about 10cm up the aluminium pole seems ok, though.  I could try something longer like a cleaner’s pole (a la Mizu), but I want to keep it as small as possible when de-telescoped.  I’ll keep an eye out for anything that compacts down really small but isn’t too bendy.  The good thing is the gopro handlebar clip can be clamped onto just about anything in a few seconds.


Awesome, mate!!!!!

That is about the same length as mine, and the best way to hold it that I have found is about 1/3 of the way up the pole!!!!! This negates the need for a counterbalance!!!!!

You can then rest the handle on ya hip now and then, kinda like a rod holder when fishin!!!!!

Ya don’t really need a bend in the pole as ya just screw an extension onto the mount and it will be plenty far enough away from the pole!!!!!

Look forward to seein the footage!!!!! shaka