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Duck Bill Platypus


A platypus is venomous?
Meaning having venom, like some snakes?

Wikipedia is awesome.
“The platypus is one of the few mammals to produce venom. Both male and female have a pair of spurs on their hind limbs. The males pair of spurs delivers a cocktail of poisons that, while excruciatingly painful, is not lethal to most animals.”
“composed of over 250 different chemicals but with four major toxins”

Wow, the things you learn on a snowboard message board.


Don`t lick Cane Toads

Dave99 - 02 July 2009 03:24 PM

Don`t lick Cane Toads

Kinda trippy?

snowslider - 02 July 2009 05:02 PM
Dave99 - 02 July 2009 03:24 PM

Don`t lick Cane Toads

Kinda trippy?

if your name is Homer..

my friends down there say a 9 iron is great for golfing the toads over their back fence..

Dave99 - 02 July 2009 05:05 PM
snowslider - 02 July 2009 05:02 PM
Dave99 - 02 July 2009 03:24 PM

Don`t lick Cane Toads

Kinda trippy?

if your name is Homer..

my friends down there say a 9 iron is great for golfing the toads over their back fence..

PETA alert!
you know the mods on here may find difficulty with that statement,

snowslider - 02 July 2009 05:24 PM
Dave99 - 02 July 2009 05:05 PM
snowslider - 02 July 2009 05:02 PM
Dave99 - 02 July 2009 03:24 PM

Don`t lick Cane Toads

Kinda trippy?

if your name is Homer..

my friends down there say a 9 iron is great for golfing the toads over their back fence..

PETA alert!
you know the mods on here may find difficulty with that statement,

the only problem I foresee is a difference of opinion on what club to use…

Dave99 - 02 July 2009 06:07 PM
snowslider - 02 July 2009 05:24 PM
Dave99 - 02 July 2009 05:05 PM
snowslider - 02 July 2009 05:02 PM
Dave99 - 02 July 2009 03:24 PM

Don`t lick Cane Toads

Kinda trippy?

if your name is Homer..

my friends down there say a 9 iron is great for golfing the toads over their back fence..

PETA alert!
you know the mods on here may find difficulty with that statement,

the only problem I foresee is a difference of opinion on what club to use…

I guess using a putter wouldnt really get it over the fence would it…..

It’s all relative, you see,
relative to how close the fence is that you’re trying to get over,
relative to the size and weight of the toad,
relative to the height of the club swinger too.


for me timing is important.  the main characteristic of toads apart from the poison and cool patterns is that they jump.  Now if you can time your swing correctly i’d challenge snowsliders assertion above that a putter couldn’t be used to propel a toad over a fence.

Aidy - 02 July 2009 11:55 PM

for me timing is important.  .

Bwahahahah.. LOL


Relative to the height of the frog when it is in mid-hop.

(thanks Aidy)

Does the length of it’s legs matter?
I’d think that shorter legs would ensure better frogodynamics when airborne.

snowslider - 03 July 2009 03:59 AM

shorter legs would ensure better frogodynamics when airborne.