The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


An idea

Not sure if this i in your current plans for the site or not, but maybe a snowboard trading post thing might be good on this site too?


Do you mean an area to buy and sell items?


One thing I’m really trying to achieve with Boardworld is helping the retail sector of the snow industry. The snowboard stores around Australia are the lifeblood of the Australian snow industry. I would always recommend going into a store, whether it’s to buy a new board or an old demo board. In my opinion anyway most second hand snowboards are junk by the time they get passed down and there is probably a reason someone is trying to sell it. There is probably even damage you can’t see i.e. core fibers broken down. I always keep my old boards for taking friends riding or having something to lend friends who want to shred.

For that reason, I was very careful about adding a trading section. There will a lot of shop staff and store managers on here soon. It’s all about the snowboard stores - it’s important.


Support your local shop - a good thing…
I agree with you. I hang on to my old stuff to either give away to a ‘friend in need’ or to use while teaching others.

I dont hang on to boots usually… and gloves I use until lost or dead.
Anyone want some old underwear or socks?

snowslider - 15 June 2009 01:57 AM

Anyone want some old underwear

What colour?


It fades from yellow in the front to brown in the back.


maybe you could put some links up to places where we can recycle boards etc then
as ive got a fair few lying about and id rather not put them in landfill.

It sounds like your intentions are really good with the no trading post thing , but the reality is that if we dont trade on here we will just do it somewhere else….....and usually people selling old gear are doing it to go and buy new gear anyway or to sell gear that wasnt quite right for them, in which case they are going to go and buy new gear again to. Im fairly sure that store managers etc must know that and a trading post section would be an ideal place for the to advertise and maybe lure people in buying new gear instead. just some thoughts


Hey CRACKERS, I definately hear what you’re saying. As with all suggestions I am going to have a serious think about it and also talk to some store managers to get their thoughts on the situation. Leave it with me and I will look into it. Thanks.


rider26 - perhaps publish rules as to what you can and cannot sell (ie. used gear only, no brand new gear) - in that way it does protect stores (who I am assuming sell their stuff new).

I would hope that most people on here would only be selling stuff as a “one off” - as opposed to stores which sell more “in bulk”. As an example, me selling a used pair of bindings is hardly going to undercut a snowboard shop, but will leave me with a few extra dollars in my pocket and the buyer with a pair of bindings that would hopefully keep them in the sport (and int he long term encourage them to buy more gear as they progress).


I posted it twice by mistake - oops grin