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Summer Afternoon - Taj Burrow


A couple of sessions at home in Jan. Film / Edit Elsegood Productions


Love how much he blows his fins on his backside.


I don’t like watching stand up surfing that much but there are a few exceptions. Taj is one of them!


Why is that cords?  Maybe you haven’t been watching the right vids!  Innersection is a good movie of late as is Modern Collective, lots of full rotation air’s and flips as well.


Well my main surf interest is bodyboarding but I also enjoy certain aspects of standup. Most surf comps I find pretty boring, unless its chopes or pipe or some such…I don’t like watching turn after turn after turn after turn…and I don’t like seeing people dodge barrels just to go up and do a turn! Even though that vid with Taj had a lot of turns, I like his style and his amazing ability to generate speed.

I love watching good longboarding, I like watching tubes (on any craft) & I like watching dudes with their own unique style. My fave surf vid I’ve ever seen is called Sprout. Have you seen it?


Cords yes I have unfortunately, I can’t stand that stuff to be honest, it does my head in, I like what I like and that kinda thing isn’t it!


haha fair enough then! What does your head in about it though? just wondering.


To be honest I don’t see the appeal in riding different/retro equipment much less want to watch anyone else doing it.  That and the “pseudo cool” mentality about how super alternative it is, my perception of it is a lot of times guys who couldn’t quite make it elsewhere try to find themselves a niche to fit.  Nothing against doing that but don’t come across all soul surfer holier than thou about it, case in point here would be Dave Rastovich. 

Be honest with yourself, yes I farken rip but I couldn’t quite make it on the 44 so I managed through a stroke of luck to tap into this little sideline of riding weird equipment that enough people find cool for Billabong to see an opportunity to corner some more marketshare by continuing to sponsor my little trip. 

I dunno maybe these people honestly believe in it or have justified/talked themselves into it over a period of time but I tend to think they failed and from now it’s easier not to try than to fail again.  Call me cynical or disenfranchised or what you will but the only one of that genre I respect would be Rob Machado, he climbed almost to the pinnacle of the sport and other than Kelly kinda ruled it for a while.

I have ridden that sort of thing and to be honest I don’t enjoy it.  I have a summer slop board that is more a bigger wider thicker version of a short board, it can be set up as a quad but I have only ridden it like that twice and found it had some shortcomings in that way I wanted it to ride.