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Boot-cuff interface?


Right, so all my snowboard pants have this. An extra little clippy thingy down at the bottom of my pant leg (on the inner cuff).
It might sound dumb, but where exactly is this supposed to clip onto?

I currently have this clipped to the inner laces of my boots and have the inner cuff around my inner boot, and the outer cuff around the outside of my boardboots.

If they’re supposed to clip somewhere else.. someone please fill me in!


The inner cuff of your pants should go over your boots (the whole boot including the outer shell). The clip thing is designed to clip onto your laces of the outer shell. I never use the clip, the elastic on the inner cuff is usually enough to hold it in place, but that depends on the actual pants.


the clip is designed to rip your toenail off when you are putting your pants on in the moning ...  Just kidding! but seriously, im affraid of doing that!


I had a pair of boots that had a loop from the tongue that as intended to pick up the ‘clip’.

Jeremy is right, the clip is supposed to hook onto a boot lace. I dont think it was intended that it hooked on and stayed onto one lace in one area… but that if the pant leg is coming up it would hopefully hook onto a lace at that time.


OOOO is that what the clip is for.
slider, my salomon boots have a loop too…. mind-blowing stuff


what pants have the clip?
I know Burton’s pants do. and I forget if my Special Blend pants do or not, because I gave them away.
what pants are you wearing that has them?


Sessions. i tried looking for a model name or anything on the pants but they just say ridge series.
Im not sure now whether we’re talking about the same “clip” but is it pretty much a metal hook on the bottom of the inside layer.
I never use it though…


I’ve got a pair of Burton pants and a pair for M3 pants.
Both have this clip.. Right.. so it goes over my outer boot.. I get it now..
When I first saw them, I had no idea what they were for and tucked the cuff into my boots - ended up gouging a chunk outta my ankle..

T-Spec - 26 August 2009 01:53 AM

I’ve got a pair of Burton pants and a pair for M3 pants.
Both have this clip.. Right.. so it goes over my outer boot.. I get it now..
When I first saw them, I had no idea what they were for and tucked the cuff into my boots - ended up gouging a chunk outta my ankle..

owwwww crap. i never figured it out until i read this thread. absolute revelation.
best thing since slice bread.

rider26 - 25 August 2009 08:42 AM

The inner cuff of your pants should go over your boots (the whole boot including the outer shell). The clip thing is designed to clip onto your laces of the outer shell. I never use the clip, the elastic on the inner cuff is usually enough to hold it in place, but that depends on the actual pants.

ditto. never used it once.