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Hey guys one function that is cool that is on some other forums is the whose online counter at the bottom of the screen, it show which users are online and which are active, sorry for the shitty pic as an example i couldnt get screen shot happening for me hahah

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hahaha that image is useless hahaha sorry


This is something I’ve thought about for a while. Has it’s advantages and disadvantages. What does everything think?


I don’t mind if people know im online… though I leave it on at work… so I could possibly be online 24/7


yeah I wouldn’t mind either. a little instant messaging thing could be fun, too. Get to know people a bit better without having to let them in to your whole life on facebook?


TJ’s a facebook stalker as it is!!!!! I don’t want him knowin when I’m online!!!!!


haha like you aren’t ALWAYS online anyway, mizu? haha

Mizu Kuma - 05 July 2011 12:25 PM

TJ’s a facebook stalker as it is!!!!! I don’t want him knowin when I’m NOT online!!!!!

For that brief 20 odd seconds every fourth day tongue wink

I think it would be a cool feature for sure.


haha azz that was so much funnier than my go. hahahaha still giggling.


Do you guys realize that I am online now!!!!!  hmmm


I don’t know, My Mrs thinks I spend an exagerrated amount of time on this site as it is, Instant messaging may just close me off from the world on the weekends all together

rider26 - 05 July 2011 10:51 AM

This is something I’ve thought about for a while. Has it’s advantages and disadvantages. What does everything think?

Maybe the option to choose between offline and online


hi guys i also think an instant message type of thing would be cool


What if we showed how many members and guests were online, without actually disclosing screen names?

snowdog - 20 July 2011 03:39 AM

hi guys i also think an instant message type of thing would be cool

We’re working on this idea for the next major website update. How would you have it work?

We want to develop member profile pages further and make them more interactive member-to-member.

If you have any ideas please let us know.

rider26 - 20 July 2011 04:10 AM

What if we showed how many members and guests were online, without actually disclosing screen names?

I reckon that this is the way to go!!!!

How would the instant message be different to the personal message????