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The Lexus Hoverboard: Reveal Video


We know the technology isn’t new, but I think this is pretty cool regardless. Viable tech for the future, or just another marketing stunt?


I mentioned in the other thread that It is just a marketing stunt by lexus.
you know they built that whole skate park with ferromagnetic tracks embedded under the concrete/water. (edit: actually its only wood and plaster painted like concrete)
so the board will only work in that park on certain areas in pre determined directions.

its a great campaign. they certainly got the internet talking about their brand. but the board is unfortunately not “real”
this build photo clearly shows the “tracks” that the board rides on

also there is an article by someone who actualy got to ride it here:


Punk’d !


hey don’t get me wrong. Its super cool.

it would be even cooler if they opened the park and let people “ride”

but I just didnt want people to be fooled by lexus’ marketing stunt. Especially seeing as they have done a great job at making it look so real.


I think it’s pretty obvious it’s nothing more than an expensive marketing stunt, but hey, it’s still cool as you say. I’d rather a big car manufacturer throw some money into doing something like this than a clever TV commercial at the Super Bowl.

It looks like it’s super hard to ride, as I can imagine, as you don’t have wheels or anything giving it straight line tracking. Still, what really pisses me off is they didn’t get Daewon Song riding it. He would have been doing quadruple kickflips for sure!