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Anyone else seeing this?


You need to click into a thread. At the bottom, are your navigation links off the page?

If so, please let us know which browser. I am only seeing it on Safari, but I was seeing it on Firefox last night at school (not seeing it in Firefox today).



Looks fine on Chrome!!!!!


I’m using Firefox now and it seems fine, what version of Firefox were you viewing it in? I’m using 24.0 and everything is fine.



yes its happening and yes its happening on all browser, why is it happening i haven’t had a chance to look at it still haven’t gone to sleep since yesterday.

and its only happening when user is logged out, when you are logged in its all fine.

carry on.


Fine on Chrome here as well.

Just a friendly reminder that BW is still a disaster when viewed with IE.

Doesn’t personally worry me but you are potentially scaring away a fair % of the non tech savvy internet users based on the first impression.



Logout and u will see it


EVERYTHING is looking dandy on iPad. Even when on home page, loogged out or in, nothing varies.

Well done lanox!! Mobile viewing is bomb.
(haven’t checked on phone)

lanox - 11 October 2013 11:27 AM


Logout and u will see it

If I do, will you let me back in??  tongue wink

Edit: Confirmed it isn’t working when logged out on Chrome. Seems as usual Lano is all over it though! shaka

drc13 - 11 October 2013 11:07 AM

Just a friendly reminder that BW is still a disaster when viewed with IE.

Doesn’t personally worry me but you are potentially scaring away a fair % of the non tech savvy internet users based on the first impression.

Yeah, better get it fixed for Safari ASAP?????  raspberry



drc13 - 11 October 2013 11:07 AM

Fine on Chrome here as well.

Just a friendly reminder that BW is still a disaster when viewed with IE.

Doesn’t personally worry me but you are potentially scaring away a fair % of the non tech savvy internet users based on the first impression.

Dave, any chance if you could check to see if it’s happening with IE 10? I *think it’s only happening with IE 9 and below. Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s much we can do about it at this stage (so I’m told).

spaz - 11 October 2013 11:29 AM

EVERYTHING is looking dandy on iPad. Even when on home page, loogged out or in, nothing varies.

Well done lanox!! Mobile viewing is bomb.
(haven’t checked on phone)

Lano has been working really hard on this. Super stoked on what he’s done so far. The exciting news is there are even more improvements coming soon, to further reduce wasted space on elements that don’t need to be there, so less scrolling for the users.

rider26 - 11 October 2013 12:10 PM
drc13 - 11 October 2013 11:07 AM

Fine on Chrome here as well.

Just a friendly reminder that BW is still a disaster when viewed with IE.

Doesn’t personally worry me but you are potentially scaring away a fair % of the non tech savvy internet users based on the first impression.

Dave, any chance if you could check to see if it’s happening with IE 10? I *think it’s only happening with IE 9 and below. Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s much we can do about it at this stage (so I’m told).

I don’t have a IE10 equipped machine easily accessible to me at work today but from memory when I tested it with IE10 a couple of months back it was fine.

The unfortunate thing is along with many households there’s still a lot of small business as well as very large ones (NSW DET for one and I think Blizz mentioned she was having the problem and she’s government AFAIK) that have IE9 as part of their SOE software rollout.

I actually deploy Chrome site wide to each of my schools which runs a long side the bundled IE9. The other option for people without admin privileges (needed to install new software) is running a portable version of chrome off a usb drive (what I recommended to Blizz)

I just fear you could be missing many page views/new members who don’t know about this and simply give up when they see the essentially unusable site on their IE equipped machine.

drc13 - 11 October 2013 11:07 AM

Fine on Chrome here as well.

Just a friendly reminder that BW is still a disaster when viewed with IE.

Doesn’t personally worry me but you are potentially scaring away a fair % of the non tech savvy internet users based on the first impression.

I was just checking the google analytics for a website we administer and was quite surprised to see that a very low percentage of people us IE. The demographic that uses the site I would of put in the “non tech savy” category.

I’m sure Jez already has all the info on who is looking at what, when, on what device, browser and where…......

in fact I think Jez is a MASSIVE STALKER and has been using poor TJ as a scape goat. JEZ YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!  rage

lanox - 11 October 2013 11:27 AM

Logout and u will see it

Why the hell would I log out of Boardworld??? Seriously, WTF are you thinking!!

Azz - 11 October 2013 12:40 PM

I was just checking the google analytics for a website we administer and was quite surprised to see that a very low percentage of people us IE. The demographic that uses the site I would of put in the “non tech savy” category.

When you consider how many people use the internet (something like 2.8billion) it doesn’t take many % points to make up a large number.

Going by this source

Desktop usage of IE in June 2013 measured from 5 different sources was ranging from 20.47% to 57.60% obviously not an exact science but at the lowest 20% figure only something like 560 million people… that’s a lot of free t-shirts!  ohh