The BOARDWORLD Forums ran from 2009 to 2021 and are now closed and viewable here as an archive


Season Edit


I know that no one has been waiting with baited breath but it’s done, took a me a while to be honest and I started going blind looking at file names and trying to remember what was what.  A few lessons learned, seems to be the way every time I do one of these, hopefully Dylan has learned never ever ever to shoot in fcuken portrait mode with a phone or anything else ever again.

Anyway here it is.


good stuff bud!


Thats awesome! I love Dylan’s crash where he holds on to the camera!


Ha ha yeah that is amusing, so much pow around that day there’s no way it would have hurt!


Nice one, Nthn!!!!! shaka


Ill,have to tether my phone’s net to my tablet and watch when in,back at the hotel! smile


Perfect 6 mintues edit for the season…. shaka


Sick edit NBG! Yew!


Nice! i dig it, Did Dyldo stomp any of thsoe 5’s?


What’s your definition of stomp? ha ha ha!


Well rode away from lol


On face and arse but looked awesome till that point.


Hahaha that counts right?


Sick edit! Stoked I made an appearance smile


Sick edit. shaka

You have those 3’s nailed, 5’s next year eh?


Kind of, I need to spot the landing and hold it for longer, I still revert and sometimes slide out on my arse.  I also seem to have forgotten back 3’s off decent size kickers.  If I go NoHe this year I want to ride somewhere that has a mid size park with 48 x 20-25ft jumps in a row so i can just get it all locked and start getting some decent grabs.  Wishlist is F3 indy nosebone.