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French Alps. 


Ok so!
Im heading to England for Christmas to see the relatives ill probably be there from december 24th for 4 weeks.
looking for tips on places to go snowboarding will only have roughly 5 days as in, total so 5 days to get there board an get back, need all the tips i can get something cheap also.

thanks heaps


Alex I went to Meribel from London for 5 days.

It was a charter plane - can’t for the life of me remember who I went with though.. Let me do some research.

Its was stupidly cheap but I shared a room with 4 people. I girl friend of mine put an ad on Gumtree and had a Sunday session at a pub to hand pick who we wanted to join us…


Friends have used and were happy.
I was in Tignes in January, shares ski area with Val d’Isere.
Also went to St Anton in Austria, awesome apres, 2 hrs by train from Zurich with a station in the town which is very convenient.
A mate recommends Andorra as it is significantly cheaper and less crowded


I have been to Andorra in summer and would love to go back in winter. The one and only person I have meet that has been has said it is overrated… would still love to give it a go though!


I spent a week with Steve’s operation in the French Alps, I highly recommend it, the website is and is located in the vicinity of Val d’Isere and Tignes, but in close proximity to a smaller but fun little resort. They’ve upgraded and such since I last went in 2009, so have a look and see if it’s to your liking.