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FYVE in Japan - Watch this!


Sick edit from the FYVE boys and Olliepop Films. Stoked to be involved with this.


I stopped watching halfway through, WTF would you go to Japan to do urban rails, how f##ken boring.


is it all just rails NBG?


Allie Coates, Hotham ripper. shaka

deanobruce - 26 March 2013 06:38 AM

is it all just rails NBG?

The first half was all rails and urban, that was all I could watch.  Apologies for my first post I just got off the phone from my chick whose in tears at work, I want to go to her office and f##king kill a few people right now.  My moderated version of my first post should read, I have no idea why anyone would go to Japan to ride rails and urban stuff, Japan is all about powder for most people and that’s what I was expecting to see.


I agree with nbg.. I’m hopefully going to japow next Feb… and I plan to hit pow runs and a few jumps….  but mainly the pow…

Nbg.. I hope your other half is alright! Give her a massive hug! smile


Need another Enforcer for said office massacre?


Homicidal mania is always better in company!


Oh yay!

Will bring my sack full of door knobs