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Opinions needed - skate intro


Hey guys,

Please give me your honest opinions about this skate intro. This intro will only be used on the spot check videos (skatepark reviews).

Personally I think we can lose the first clip and cut straight to the second run. Also we can probably shave a couple of seconds off the back end. What do you think?

Password is skate


Thanks Mizu. smile


Ya drop the first run, makes it all a little to choppy.  Agree with Mizu keep the roll out but fade the backdrop so the last thing up is a 1-2 shot of just the with music.

Good opening though.  Catches your attention and he soundtrack has a friendly yet trance like beat


Where would you have the URL if we were to move it?


i think maybe even put the boardworld symbol on the concrete at the 4 or 5 sec mark, can you somehow make it like it is apart of the ground, maybe fade it in then fade it out???
yer that first clip i think could be better..?

just a thought!


+1 to all of the above!


The BW logo can be in the video at all times. like in a lower corner and smaller from the beginning, and then replaced with the larger as you currently have it.

Very sick trick!... and as intense as the trick it, the music and the prolonged rideaway make it have a mellow feel.

About the first clip.
To me the main thing that bothers me about the first clip is that the background changes from fist clip to second.
I’d suggest the first clip, just be a sample from the second clip.
Notice that in the second clip there’s 2 girls in the background, and they arent on the first.
I’d replace the first clip with a sample of the second, if you want to keep it.
In fact you can play the first second, then the first 2 seconds, then the first 3 seconds, and then the full clip… Keep the address small and at the bottom or in a corner, and then during the rideaway put it big and center.
Playing a series of small clips before the full clip, builds up the anticipation and magnitude of the trick. .
Each clip doesnt have to be a second, as you dont want it all to be too long, but a fraction of the clip, and then a little longer, all in rapid succession - and then the full clip. I think you have room to put it in there.

just an idea. Play with it and it may or may not work.
I do like the mellow ride away thought… something about it. and you need a moment to have good branding (logo placement) so it’s the time to have the logo prominent.


What about this one? I think this is the one we are going to go for…

Password is: skate



I like it much better.


The new one is better!
Personally, I normally get intrigued when one falls over.


Me Likes


yeh i think that one is a winner


yeah, super tight! only thing I would say is get rid of the fuzzy borders on the


Good stuff, and I really like the way the BW address OPS out when he lands.